Hello, my name is Sophie.

I’m a Chinese-Canadian author-illustrator based in Vancouver, BC.
Welcome to my corner of the universe.

March Wrap-Up

Hi everyone!

Can y’all believe it’s the end of March?! I feel like I say that at the end of every month, but it’s true. We’re pretty much 25% through 2021.

It’s been a rough month out there, hasn’t it? The world is a scary place sometimes. I am thankful, however, to be surrounded by amazing people and amazing stories, which help me focus on all that’s good in the world.

I liked the format of the February wrap-up post so I’ll continue on! Here are the 6 things I did in March.

6. I finished 4 books!

I thought I would love The Poppy War. In fact I was sure it would be THE next 5-star read for me… but it wasn’t. Correction: I loved the first half of the story, which was about Rin whooping everyone’s butt at the Keju and later on at Sinegard. But then… things got way darker and way more violent, and I just couldn’t relate. I did end up finishing the book but wish I hadn’t. It got too graphic and gory for me, and I couldn’t connect with the characters at the end. Wished there was a trigger warning. (❤️❤️/5 stars.)

Spirit Hunters was a fun, spooky middle grade book that gave me all the goosebumps. At some point, I was actually afraid of reading this at night LOL. I really like how aspects of Asian mythology was incorporated to the way spirits and shamans worked in this novel. (❤️❤️❤️/5 stars.)

I expected Beach Read to be a light and beachy romance, but it was way more than that. I loved that it turned some of the common romance tropes upside down, and there was a strong family component in this novel too. Also really loved the chemistry between the two MCs! (❤️❤️❤️❤️/5 stars.)

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise is a road-trip MG novel, told with humor and heart. I loved the quirky and witty voice of the MC, and her loving relationship with her father. (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️/5 stars.)

I really looked forward to reading Last Night at the Telegraph Club, and although I really enjoyed it, I put it down at about the half-way mark since I was looking for a faster-paced read. I would like to pick it up again sometime in the future.

Bridge of Souls is the continuation of the Cassidy Blake series which I’m really enjoying so far! I loved how this book gets a bit more serious compared to the earlier books in the series, and more is at stake.

5. I’m revising my vampire MG novel.

After finishing my MG SFF novel, I looped back to work on the second draft of my vampire MG. Usually I organize my edits on Excel or Google Sheets, but this time I discovered a way of doing this in Scrivener, which got me SO SO excited!!! (I know, I’m such a nerd hahaha.)

Here are my revision stats: (Note that I track my progress using scenes instead of word count, which I find makes more sense for revisions for me.)

I’ve completed 24 of 33 scenes, so I’m about 72% done. This time around, I decided to try rewriting Act 3 first (the ending), then circled around to the beginning. I actually really loved this since there were some decisions I made as I was rewriting the ending, which then impacted the foreshadowing, etc, in the beginning and middle.

As you can see, I was revising pretty steadily up until March 19 or so, then I took a weeklong break haha. That’s the downside of this new method. I’d be ending my revision in the murky middle instead of the (much more satisfying) finale. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things, and finish this draft by mid-April.

4. I’m wrapping up querying for Children of the Sun.

Children of the Sun meant a lot to me. It was the novel that taught me how to revise with confidence, and it was the novel that got me into Author Mentor Match. It was the first (and only) novel that I’d shared with critique partners and beta-readers, and the first novel that I queried. I’ve written the first draft 14 years ago, and rewrote it 8 (or 9? or 10??) times over the course of the last 3 years. I love this novel and all the characters in it (and I mean ALL the characters, even and especially the characters who were dead from the start.) This novel was turned inside out and upside down many many times over the years, and I loved every version of it.

I really wished Children of the Sun was the one, and it might not be. And that’s all right because I truly enjoyed the journey.

Onwards, soldier 🙂

3. I read some great blog posts.

Here are my favs from this past month:

2. I went on a much-needed, socially-distanced vacation.

Hubby, baby and I packed up our stuff and drove out to a smaller city in interior British Columbia for a much needed breather. It was probably the lowest-key of low-key vacays yet, since we actually packed our own groceries and cooked our meals in our Airbnb, and our only activities consisted of hikes in obscure mountains! We did get take-out three times though (they were yummy!)

Even though it wasn’t a conventional vacation, we had a great time. In addition to maintaining social distancing, we also ate a lot healthier and saved money too!

1. My little boy turned 6 months old!

I still can’t believe that it’s been half a year since our little pork bun was born! We love him to bits (although, all right, I admit that he drives me bonkers sometimes.)

Not our baby, but still very cute.

How was your March? What were your favourite reads this past month?

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash


  1. Kat Impossible Avatar

    Aaah! Can’t believe your boy is already 6 months – happy half birthday to him!!!
    Also, I can so get why you’d need a little (socially distanced) vacation. I really feel that myself, although it’s not an option unfortunately, as we’ve returned to a strict lockdown.
    I still hope that Children of the Sun will get published one day, you never truly know! But I am glad you cherish the journey you had with these characters ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jai Lynn Avatar

    Sophie!! Happy April!! 😀 You read so much this month, Beach Read is one I really really want to read in fact I’m going to order it after I finish typing this lol. I feel like it is going to be PERFECT for the summer and, even though I enjoy spring, summer is where my heart is. I love your work ethic so much and how you balance work and family life with writing. Honestly, this is something I still struggle with but I’m working on it and every day my habits are getting better 😉 I’m glad you got to go on a vacation as well. Hiking and being with nature sounds so relaxing and I could use more of that in my life lol. 😀 Thank you so much for linking to my posts and I can’t believe your little boy is 6 months already!!! Time flies by so fast. Sending you all the best for April ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tasya @ the literary huntress Avatar

    I’m always up for some creepy middle grade books so I’m adding Spirit Hunter to my TBR! 😀 Happy half birthday to your boy! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Poulami @ Daydreaming Books Avatar

    Thank you so much for the mention! ❤ I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation and happy half birthday to your boy. 😀 Hope you have an amazing April.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Books Teacup and Reviews Avatar

    Great wrap-up! That gif is so cute. Happy half birthday to your boy!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. _tirilu Avatar

    Thank you for the link-up! And it seems like you are getting ahead with your novel. I’m really excited for you. 😀 I have read Spirit Hunters last year and it IS really creepy. I didn’t like it how the little brother got posessed. It was sooooo spooky.
    I’m currently reading Bridge of Souls but I’ve only just started. I’m wondering about the more serious parts you mentioned.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Asha - A Cat, A Book, And A Cup Of Tea Avatar

    Sounds like a good month! I can’t believe you’re so productive with a six-month old – my baby’s 10 months and I’m only just getting back into the swing of things!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hi Asha! I hear ya. It’s so hard to get stuff done with a little one around the house. The only reason I get reading/writing done is because of 1) nap times and 2) I let the house be a mess XD My son is 10-mo-old now!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. haidanwrites Avatar

    I don’t know how you do it, but whenever I am taking a hiatus from reading and writing and read your blog articles, I get the urge to jump right back in. They are motivating! Thank you for the link and hope you have an excellent April!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Aw thank you Haidan! Hope you’ve been well 🙂


  9. Lois Avatar

    Happy half birthday to your darling little boy. I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months!!
    I am so ready for a socially distanced holiday and with things slowly opening up here, I might be able to squeeze one in this summer.
    Looks like you’re making a lot of progress with your revisions!
    I keep meaning to read The Poppy War, and I know it’s going to be brutal so I feel like I have to be in the right frame of mind to really get into it.
    Beach Read, on the other hand, sounds like a delightful read and, I love that it puts a twist on some classic tropes.
    Thank you so much for sharing my post ❤
    I hope you have a lovely April.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Stephen Writes Avatar

    Lovely wrap-up, Sophie! Some interesting books read (sorry to hear The Poppy War wasn’t for you) and really good progress with your writing. Good luck and I hope your April is amazing!! 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Caro @ bookcheshirecat Avatar

    I also cannot believe that it’s already the beginning of Spring again! Very happy to see that you enjoyed Beach Read, I keep hearing such great things about it 🙂 Wishing you the best of luck with your revision!! Also thank you so much for featuring my posts 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Ashley B. Davis Avatar

    Hey! Thank you for the shout-out! Your roundup for March sounds great–congratulations on your 8-10 revisions on your novel and all of your querying efforts; it’s so important to feel proud of what you can control, which is that you edited and revised that bad boy and put it tf out there! And that’s powerful! Also, 6 month old baby?! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Ashley!


  13. pendantry Avatar

    Wow, you sure do read a lot. And you really seem to have the writing craft tuned to a fine art. I’ve heard of this ‘Scrivener’ before; I may have to investigate, Have you written a blog review of it? I searched your site for the word, and that led me to your post on your writing techniques, but I’d be really interested on your thoughts on Scrivener as a tool.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello! Sorry for the late reply to this comment. No I haven’t written a review of scrivener on this blog. That’s a great idea though. I’ll keep it in the back of my head for later 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Marie Avatar

    Happy half-birthday to your little one ah this is so exciting, time really flies ❤ I'm so happy and proud to see your writing progress, Sophie. I'm also really glad you are able to look at the bright side and still love Children of the Sun so much. You're doing amazing and I really hope your dreams will come true, with this book someday and the next ones, too. You're doing amazing.Take care of yourself ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Marie. You’re so sweet 🙂


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