August Wrap-Up & September TBR!

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Hey everyone!!

Guess what I’m going to say? Wow, how can it be that it is the end of August (aka. the end of summer) already!? And it’s almost September!? And, there are only four more months in 2018?*


*This also means that I have 4 more months to reach my Goodreads goal. Gulp. More on that.

Overall, it has been a crazy, hectic but fun-filled month. What did I actually do? Let me sit down and think on that a bit lol 🙂



I read 4 books, which I am proud of since it was really all I could manage this month. (How did I used to read 6+ books a month? How!?) I am giving myself a pat on the back that I read books from diverse genres (YA contemporary, fantasy, and yes, even historical fiction.) I am also glad to have enjoyed the books that I’ve read overall. All in all, this was a great reading month!



Night of Cake & Puppets was a super cute novella about the beginning of Zuzana and Mik’s relationship! I loved that it was light-hearted, funny and so easy to read. It helped me out of my reading slump and also sparked my interest in finishing the rest of the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series. Check out my review here.

I wasn’t planning on reading Dreams of Gods & Monsters, but after Cake & Puppets, how could I not? I fell back in love with Karou and Akiva’s story and the breathtaking world in this book. The plot twists took me completely by surprise, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the ending. Check out my review here.



Anna and the French Kiss was the fun and light summer romance that I needed! I loved reading about Anna and her crew of friends (including her love interest) who were entertaining and relatable. The story was a bit predictable and cheesy, but I was addicted and couldn’t wait to read what happens next.

Among the Red Stars was outside of my usual bookish comfort zone so I was excited but a bit nervous starting it. This book is about a group of female bomber pilots in Russia during World War II. I loved the main characters. I was also impressed by the depth of research and glad to learn about this slice of history that I didn’t know much about before. And wow, those last 50 pages!

September Goals:

This upcoming month will be a bit calmer for me work-wise, so I am hoping that I will be able to make more time to read. I am also quite behind on my Goodreads goal:

Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 2.42.23 PM

It seems like I have to read 6-7 books a month to meet my 2018 goal… Yikes! I will keep this goal for one month, see how it goes and I might end up revising my goal to be more realistic.

Bullet I will put 4 books on my September TBR for now and play it by ear!



I wanted to choose books from a variety of genres (fantasy, contemporary, mystery/thriller and classic). I just started reading Six of Crows and already can’t put it down! I’ve been wanting to read another Morgan Matson book for a while, and The Unexpected Everything just might be what I need. And since I’ve been told that mystery/thriller is my genre (for writing), I figure that I should read The Kind Worth Killing which I’ve heard is a gripping book. I am excited to read Flowers for Algernon as well.



My goal for August was 17.5K words, and to be honest for a moment there I thought I couldn’t do it: It was crazy busy the first 10 days of the month, and the most I’ve written was 380 words a day. However I had a bit more time the last few weeks to catch up! Right now I am at 17K words, but I think I can make it since there are two more days left in August 🙂

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As you can see, my writing is pretty erratic. On some days I write nothing (literally zero words), on the average day I write about 500 words, and on a few blessed days when I have time and inspiration, the count skyrockets to 1000-2000 words.

September Goals:

With this upcoming month being less crazy than July/August, and now that I am ~75% through my WIP, I am going to set an ambitious goal:

Bullet.png Finish Shapeshifter, however many words it takes. (Gulp.)

Bullet And also, thanks to everyone’s suggestions: Back up my current and past writing projects. LOL 🙂



I was able to get back into my blog-hopping groove this month (yay!) Here are some posts that I enjoyed this month:

Beth @ Reading Every Night shares about her travels to Dubai and Mauritius! Warning: Lots of amazing pictures that will make you wish that you’re there right now!

Sieran Lane @ Wild and Stormy Mind discusses how elite or even world-class performance in a discipline may come about. Is it about talent or practice? Nature or nurture? Something in between? More importantly, how do our beliefs about outstanding achievement affect our attitudes and behavior?

Dominique @ 3C Style shares her take on the 7-day Black & White Photo Challenge. Her photos are beautiful (and will make you absolutely want to go to the beach!)

Haidan @ Haidan Writes shares her unique interpretation of the 7-day Black & White Photo Challenge, which made me appreciate the simple things in life.

Stefanie Crafts with Wool Paper Fabric is another fellow nominee for the 7-day Black & White Photo. Check out this photo which hints at one of her current craft projects!

Me & Ink tells us about the 10 things that books have taught her. I can’t agree more that I’ve learned so many things from reading!

Katie @ Never Not Reading discusses the things that she wants to see more in YA, which takes the words right out of my mouth!

Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books talks about old books and why they are so awesome. (Can you tell yet that I love old books?!)

September Goals:

Bullet Keep it up with the blogging and blog-hopping.



GUYS. So I’ve been working on this work-related project on-and-off for three years which sucked up a LOT of my time outside of work. And I am finally kind of done. WHAT? What is life about any more? (No worries I am okay, just really really happy.)

On a less nerdy note, I went back to Toronto to visit my family and friends! Because it was just a weekend trip, it was crazy hectic but I had lots of fun. I got a chance to attend a friend’s wedding and spend time with some of the important people in my life. Sorry, not too many photos to share here (I was too busy socializing!)

Oh yeah, and I made a dress from a thrift-store jacket (before & after photos below*). Check out this post here for more details 🙂


*And yes, that is the same person in the two photos! Amazing what a good camera & outfit can do lol :’)

September Goals:

Bullet Plan my wedding. Yup… there is a wedding. I completely forgive you if you have forgotten, because at one point I did too, LOL :’)

Bullet More sewing!? I bought a dress form and I’ve been anxiously sitting at the edge of my seat waiting for it to arrive!! Keep on the lookout for more DIY projects coming up 🙂


How is your Goodreads goal doing? Have you ever had to modify your reading goal (whether it is increasing or decreasing it?) For the writers out there, is there a pattern to your writing, whether you write consistently day to day or you are erratic like me? For everyone, how was your month? Any notable books or events?


  1. Brittany @ Brittany & Her Bookshelf Avatar

    Flowers for Algernon is my favorite book of all time! You are going to love it!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s awesome to hear! I’m looking forward to reading that book 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beware Of The Reader Avatar

    Wow you are so talented !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you 🙂


  3. booksandfriendship Avatar

    The dress is so pretty! I’ve read 42 books out of my goal of 50.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you! Wow, sounds like you’re almost at your goal for this year! Great job!


  4. Sieran Lane Avatar

    Hey Sophie, I’ll write a more detailed comment later, but first of all, aw, I’m so happy you enjoyed my post!! Could you modify the description to this, though?:

    Sieran Lane @ Wild and Stormy Mind discusses how elite or even world-class performance in a discipline may come about. Is it about talent or practice? Nature or nurture? Something in between? More importantly, how do our beliefs about outstanding achievement affect our attitudes and behavior?

    (Sorry, the hyper linked part got shortened, but you can lengthen it to cover the whole sentence again.)

    This is just so people don’t misunderstand the post! It doesn’t have to be worded exactly how I did, but I want to be clear that I’m not talking about the fame/ fortune/ popularity kind of success, but about the distinguished performance in your field kind of success. Also, the post is mainly on exploring different beliefs on how one can attain this amazing achievement, and how different beliefs affect our actions and attitudes. I don’t want it to sound like one of those posts that promise to help the reader get rich and famous, and that oversimplify everything by gimmicky theories, haha. (I’ve seen too many of those posts and articles, so.)

    Thank you so much, Sophie! I will be back later to comment on other things! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      No worries I changed the description. I didn’t mean for your post to sound like a promise for success, which I know wasn’t your intention, sorry about that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Thanks so much, Sophie! 😁

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Jenna M Avatar

    Oh, that dress looks adorable!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Kay Wisteria Avatar

    Six of Crows and Unexpected Everything are amazing!! Happy reading 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hi Kay 🙂 I’m LOVING Six of Crows right now and I’ve been having trouble putting it down! I’m definitely looking forward to The Unexpected Everything!


  7. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

    When it comes to writing you’re pretty much an inspiration to me Sophie. 🙂 ❤ The fact that you've got 17K words written in August already is incredible, I'm sure you'll be able to get that extra .5K, and if you can share whatever it is that allows you to write that much with me I'd be forever grateful! 😀
    I'm really glad you enjoyed Night of Cake and Puppets (and extra enjoyed it convinced you to jump into Dreams of Gods and Monsters straight away too). I hope you continue loving Six of Crows (it's incredible) and I hope you enjoy The Unexpected Everything as well.
    Thanks so much for featuring my posts in your recap, and good luck with your goals for next month and catching up on your GR reading challenge too.
    Great post, and happy reading. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Beth 🙂
      The last 0.5K is the hardest haha. I am so tired today that I just want to collapse and sleep! So far what’s worked for me is to try to write a bit each day, even if I’m not feeling inspired. Sometimes I really don’t want to write but when I force myself to, I eventually get into the rhythm of it again and end up enjoying it. (Which means I should do some writing today after this haha 🙂 ) Also it’s easy to focus on the number of words but the quality is important too. How is your WIP going?
      I’m loving Six of Crows SO much right now. I am already 2/3 through. It is so addictive and once I got started I couldn’t stop 🙂
      Wishing you a wonderful September too Beth ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        That’s all right, and as August is now nearly over (at least it is where I am) I hope you managed that last .5K. Yeah I’ll definitely keep that in mind, I find it easy to write during NaNoWriMo but for some reason that seems to be a one off month. It’s not too bad at the moment. I’m back in the planning stages and already I feel like it’s easier than the first time around (probably because I have a lot already I can build on).
        Oh that’s great to hear, do you plan to pick up Crooked Kingdom after?!
        Thanks! 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Yeah Nanowrimo is kind of a mysterious month! I don’t know how I managed 50K in a month when it is even hard to do 17.5K or 25K?! Maybe knowing that there are so many people around the world all working towards a goal helps to motivate us lol 🙂
        Sounds like your WIP is going smoothly, at least compared to the first draft, which is good to hear. Wishing you a good writing month in September 🙂
        I just finished Six of Crows today and it is amazing!!!!! I get why there is/was so much hype around this book haha. I’m definitely reading Crooked Kingdom soon!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        It seems like all my inspiration is stored up until November, and the rest of the year I’m kind of dried up when it comes to writing.
        Thanks, yeah it’s going well so far which is the best I can ask for right? Oh I’m glad you enjoyed Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom is even better so you’ve got the best to come still. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        Haha yes Nanowrimo does give me that extra push as well 🙂
        Glad to hear that Crooked Kingdom is even better than Six of Crows 😀 😀 (Is that even possible!?) I just have to finish Crazy Rich Asians then I will read Crooked Kingdom! So excited for it! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        I didn’t think it was possible but I was proved wrong when I finally got around to CK. 🙂
        Ohh, I hope you’re enjoying Crazy Rich Asians, is it good so far?

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Sophie Li Avatar

        I like Crazy Rich Asians so far though it is different than I expected. I thought it would be more of a rom com but it’s more about family politics so it isn’t the light read I thought it would be. However it is brilliantly written with a good sense of humor 🙂 are you planning to read the book or watch the movie?

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        That kind of surprises me, because I thought it would be more rom-com-ish too. I’m not sure, maybe one day but it’s not high on my to-read or to-watch list at the moment (there’s too many other books/films I need to get around to first)

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Sophie Li Avatar

        Yeah it’s more serious than I expected though not in a bad way 🙂 I get that! There are so many books to read and movies to watch these days

        Liked by 1 person

  8. MichaelK Avatar

    How on earth do you manage to do all this stuff? I personally think you did great in August and I can only admire your energy and determination! I have exceeded my reading goal which proved quite modest but I never risk setting a higher because it will be a source of anxiety for me. August here is quite hot and despite the long days one can’t really achieve much unless of course you are living with air-conditioning 24/7. I am glad to hear that you back up your work now! And I think I speak for everyone in saying that we want more marriage details! Preferably a series of blog posts!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hi Michael 🙂
      Hahahaha I am exhausted! I feel like collapsing and falling asleep right now lol 🙂
      That’s great to hear that you’ve reached your reading goal (for the year!?) That is an achievement I’d say! What is your favourite book this year?
      There’s not much going on in terms of wedding planning yet haha 🙂 We’re thinking something small. Maybe I will do a wedding-related post some time later down the line!
      Wishing you a wonderful September!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MichaelK Avatar

        Yes it’s my yearly goal but it was a modest one just 35 books, I was hoping for 45 which is already achieved and of everything goes well it will be more than 50 this year, making it one of the most productive years. Well I can’t choose a favourite one (you know that!) but I will try to do a recap in December mentioning books that really stood out. And I absolutely love small weddings there is so much creative potential!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        That’s awesome that you’ve already read 45 books this year! Hope that there will be many more great books to come 🙂
        Haha yes it is hard to pick a favourite, and that was a mean question for me to ask! I’ll keep an eye out on your recap video in December!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Joanna @ Starburnt Reads Avatar

    Your sewing skills are seriously amazing!! I’ve been looking forward to Anna and the French kiss for ages, so I’m really glad you liked it. Your theme is honestly sooo beautiful. Wonderful post ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Joanna! Anna and the French Kiss was a super cute and effortless read. Hope that you’ll enjoy it when you get a chance to read it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. 3C Style Avatar

    Wow! I’m amazed by your seamstress talent. The dress is very pretty and it suits you perfectly. Congratulations for your eco-friendly approach too. I do not know how you do it, but I’m having trouble reading more than one novel a month!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you 🙂 It means a lot to me that you like this dress! I think a book a month is good too. The important part is to enjoy what we’re reading right? Quality over quantity 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 3C Style Avatar

        Absolutely. It is my motto. Quality over quantity… In everything! The dress is really gorgeous on you. Red is a great colour for you. It should be your signature colour!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Thank you! I’m so glad! Red is my favourite colour and I already have a lot of clothes and accessories in red 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 3C Style Avatar

        Everything is purrfect then. Moew!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. 3C Style Avatar

    Oups, I forgot. Thank you for the pingback. Muah! I had fun doing your B&W Challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      You’re welcome 🙂 Glad that you had fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Never Not Reading Avatar

    Thanks for the shout out! I hope you love Flowers for Algernon! I’ve been thinking about reading it for a while. I have only read a SUPER abridged version from my 7th grade english textbook. I remember being very interested, but I imagine I would understand it more now, especially reading the full version.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      I’m definitely looking forward to reading Flowers for Algernon 🙂 Let me know your thoughts if and when you read this book as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Sieran Lane Avatar

    Hey Sophie, here I am again! Okay, I re-read your post, and LOLLLL, when I read the section on Life, the first word I saw was “GUYS.”

    My first thought was: “Woah were you reading my mind??”
    XD Sorry, I’m such a gay boy, haha. But aside from guys per se, I’ve been having some extra gender identity complications lately, some good, some not so good.

    One good thing is that I bought two gold-chained necklaces lately from Chinatown, CAD $10 each! Wearing them has been raising my confidence in my masc gender identity, since gold-chained necklaces are associated with masculinity in the society; but they are not too masculine, because they have an oval-shaped blue or green jewel attached to the chain, which feels rather gender neutral. Yes, it’s so easy for some people to say that you shouldn’t care what the society sees as “femme” and “masc” attire. But it’s really hard not to care at all. I’m shying away from wearing pink, red, or purple clothes now, partly due to a fear of being misgendered as a girl, and partly because everything is just getting to me mentally. Anyhow, I’m happy that I’m happy with my new necklaces, lol.

    LOL both my goal and my current number of books read are lower than yours, but I feel okay with myself at the moment…not to mention that I’m in my summer holiday! You are truly an astoundingly productive person. And you exercise nearly everyday too. I don’t know how you do it.

    As for writing, I just hit 18,000 something yesterday (counting from August 4), but again, keep in mind that I’m in my summer holiday, lol! Oh yeah, I don’t write everyday, so I look at my average words written each day instead. I don’t remember if I told you before, but on Nanowrimo, there is a goal tracker function that helps you calculate all the statistics, and it draws a graph for you too. Btw do you use the same username on the Nanowrimo site as the Camp Nanowrimo site? If so, I can add you as a buddy! We can keep each other accountable with the goal tracker function if you want. 😊

    For Goodreads, I wonder if the book reviews I write are too long. Maybe I would have more time if I were willing to make them shorter. But I’m very stubborn and I’m sticking to my long reviews. XD I may have to lower my reading goal, but it’s okay. Blogging took up a lot of my time, so I understand that I would have less time to read. Lol practicing self-compassion…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Sieran 🙂

      Glad to hear that you found some good necklaces that you like. You are right that there are some society expectations of what men or women should wear. It’s interesting because I think it is more acceptable for women to wear masculine clothes than the other way around. I’d say we should wear what makes us feel comfortable and confident in our skin 🙂

      Maybe I should make a post about productivity! What helps for me is to avoid TV shows and social media (except WP!) because I know I would be hopelessly addicted if I come in contact with them :’) However I am not always productive haha. The past few days I caught a stomach bug so my productivity went down to zero lol…

      That’s awesome that you wrote 18K words this month! I remember that you mentioned the goal tracker last time, but I haven’t gotten around to using it. I just set it up on the Nanowrimo website so I’ll try it out for this month. I have the same username (portabelloxoxo) so please add me 🙂

      It’s tricky to balance blogging, writing, reading and everything else that goes on in our lives. I think we should go with the mix that makes us happy!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Oh I have no TV at home, and due to my eye strain problems, I can’t watch clips or movies anymore! I do talk on Facebook a lot, and with some friends with Messenger and WhatsApp. It’s a constant balance because I like communicating with people, maintaining friendships, and giving and receiving emotional and informational support, haha. For instance, I’m in some online support groups, so I like the feeling that we have each other’s backs! We learn so much just by chatting with one another too. The act of articulating our thoughts also helps me discover and learn new things. Nevertheless, of course, I don’t want to talk too much that I spend too little time working, haha.

        Aw, hope you feel better now!

        I will add you! You’ll get to see my progress so far. Maybe I should start a new tracker since it’s Sept 1, even though my old tracker ends Sept 4.

        Oh yes. I learned over the years that there is no right answer in how we “should” live our lives. It’s up to us what we want to do, and what we feel will be the most productive and fruitful. I felt (and still kind of feel) dismayed when I see a friend who used to be very passionate about writing, stop writing and get into something else instead. For instance, I have a friend who is more into making cosplay costumes than in writing now—she hasn’t written anything in a long while. So I’m shocked that she doesn’t write now, as she seemed super interested in writing before, but I know I have to respect her choice of pursuit.

        It’s like some people would say that I used to be very passionate about drawing. Now I barely draw anymore, as I’ve chosen writing to be my main goal (aside from my counselling career.)

        Lol during the times when I write less, I would read more. XD

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        I am feeling much better now. Thank you 🙂

        I am glad to have started using the goal tracker feature! I added you on Nanowrimo so we can keep each other updated about our progress. Looking good so far 🙂

        Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get tired of writing, however I hope that the day will never come! From an efficiency standpoint, it just seems like a waste to spend so much time and effort on something only to give up on it. On the other hand I gave up on some hobbies that I used to love (like drawing) that I just don’t feel as passionate about anymore. There are also some hobbies that I took a long break from but decided to come back to (like both writing and sewing.) I do hope that I will continue to love writing as I do now 🙂 Anyway I guess I am trying to say that yes we should work towards what inspires us at the moment.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Yes! I find that friendly competition really motivates me, that’s why Nanowrimo always drives me to write much faster than usual. XD

        Oh my, writing is so much a part of my identity, that I don’t think it’s possible for me to get sick of it! It’s like I would never get sick of Pokemon, hahahaha. It has been my favorite fandom since I was eight, and it still is. Gengar was my favorite Pokemon since I was eight, and it still is. XD Sometimes I joke that, in some things, I have a very long attention span, haha.

        Well, in my view, there is no wasted time. 😊 Everything you experience can influence (and often help) you in the future. To take an obvious example, even if you barely draw anymore, you still have the emotional and personal memories of the drawing experience, so this will help you write about protagonists who are passionate in the visual arts.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        Haha absolutely. I love a bit of friendly competition as well. November is probably the only time of year when I can consistently pump out 1667 words a day 🙂

        I think writing is becoming part of my identity too. I also like Pokémon 🙂

        You have a good point that our past hobbies can influence our future, even if we’re not interested in that hobby anymore. I do find myself writing about artists (a lot!!) and past experience drawing definitely helps 🙂 So you are right that no time is wasted!

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Marie Avatar

    Hi Sophie! I am happy you had a great reading month and I am so, so happy to see your september TBR! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Six of Crows, really hope you will love it as much as I did. Also, yay for a new Morgan Matson book! I love everything she writes so, very much 😀
    Best of luck for your writing and for finishing up your WIP, yay, that’s so exciting!! And wedding planning… best of luck for that, too, ahhh it’s even more exciting 😀 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Marie ❤ I already finished Six of Crows and it's SOOOOO AMAZING! I loved the characters so much. I was addicted to the book since the first chapter haha 🙂 Are you reading Crooked Kingdom soon?!
      I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I can finish my WIP by the end of the month haha 🙂 Wishing you a good reading and writing month as well ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marie Avatar

        AHHH I am so glad you loved it so much! 😀 I actually already read Crooked Kingdom 🙈 after that ending, I just couldn’t wait, and I’m glad I didn’t! I can’t wait for you to read it 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Wow! That was fast! Actually I am not surprised that you finished Crooked Kingdom already especially because of how Six of Crows ended 🙂 I am taking a bit of a break and reading Crazy Rich Asians first but then I hope to read Crooked Kingdom! I love the characters so much and can’t wait to read more about them 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Marie Avatar

        OH! I have Crazy Rich Asians on my TBR and I hope to read it soon as well! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        I am liking it so far! It is different than I expected. I thought it would be a rom com type of book. Although it is funny, there is much more family drama and politics than I expected. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you get a chance to read this one 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Marie Avatar

        Ohhh that’s interesting! I’m impatient to read it 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Sophie Li Avatar

        Looking forward to hearing what you think about this one 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Lisa@LismorePaper Avatar

    Such a gorgeous dress! That color is fantastic on you. 4 books is still outstanding. It’s hard to fit everything in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Lisa 🙂 It’s definitely hard to keep up with reading! So many books to read and so little time haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. haidanwrites Avatar

    Ooh plenty of fun things here! First, I think it’s really cool that you read things outside of your comfort zone. I don’t think I’m ready for that right now but I hope to do so sometime. Second, Six of Crows is awesome! Third, way to go on your writing! And fourth, getting a dress form sounds exciting and sew-inspiring. Have a great September.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Haidan 🙂 I finished Six of Crows and loved it so much. Did you read the sequel as well?
      There are some subtle differences between the dress form and me even with adjustments, but so far it fits most of my clothes so I think it will still be helpful for sewing 🙂
      How was your summer? Wishing you a wonderful September!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. haidanwrites Avatar

        I haven’t read the sequel yet but plan on doing so (I read the first few pages of the sequel that they put in the first book and yaaas). Anyhow, I had a great (busy) summer and will be taking a short vacation this week. Happy Autumn!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        I also haven’t read the sequel yet but I am super excited for it 🙂 Let me know what you think when you finish the series!
        That’s awesome that you’re going on vacation! Where are you going? Enjoy!


  17. Kat Impossible Avatar

    I once read almost 9 books in a month and I will never understand how I did that. I am hopelessly behind on my Goodreads challenge (like 10 books?) but I don’t have the motivation to care about it haha.
    I love the Anna and the French Kiss series. I get that the cheating aspect sucks, but I really connected to Anna, because her experience mirrored my exchange semester abroad as well as the one summer I went to work in France. I wish they’d make that book series into a TV show. Or a mini series.
    I can’t believe you made that dress from that coat!?!? It looks so goregous ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Kat! When it comes to books, it’s quality over quantity right? When I try to read as much as I can, I feel pressured and don’t enjoy it as much. I like it better when I read when I feel like it 🙂 I probably won’t meet my goodreads goal this year but I’m not too fussed about it!
      Yeah I didn’t like the cheating part of Anna and the French Kiss but the fact that Anna and St. Clair were both relatable made up for it. Sounds like an amazing experience to have worked and studied abroad! Which part of France did you go to? I worked in Switzerland for a few month as a student which I enjoyed!
      Thank you Kat ❤ Wishing you a wonderful September!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kat Impossible Avatar

        Yes, but I haven’t read anything at all last month haha so it’s not even a quality thing. It’s just me not reading haha
        I was in a very small village in the Provence for two or three months (can’t recall now). I worked in a hotel there and there wasn’t much to do on your days off, so I went to the cinema whenever possible. They only showed one movie and sometimes they didn’t even get the right one and just showed another random one instead. So, that’s why I get Anna’s love for the movie theater as well haha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        That sounds like a great experience that you had in France! I can imagine how you connected with Anna’s story especially since you also saw many movies while you were there 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Kat Impossible Avatar

        It was my least favourite stay abroad, but it wasn’t France’s fault haha

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        Oh okay, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope your other experiences abroad made up for it

        Liked by 1 person

  18. meandinkblog Avatar

    I can’t believe it is Septemeber already either. I find it very stressful if I think too hard about it 😂
    Well done on reading 4 books this month- I have yet to read Laini Taylor series. I hope you reach your goodreads goal. I have never set one myself, maybe I will try it next year. I loved six of crows. I hope you enjoy it. When I read it I had to start the next one straight away 😂 I like that you are having a variety of genre to read, I need to have more variety I always stick to the same one 😂
    Well done on writing 17k, that’s amazing. Good luck on finishing it in Septemeber.
    Thank you so much for including my post- it means a lot and I am glad you enjoyed it. 💛
    Very impressive that you made the jacket into a dress- it looks amazing. Love the colour as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you! Yes time flies doesn’t it?
      I just finished Six of Crows and loved it SO much. It hooked me from the start and I loved the characters 🙂 I definitely want to read Crooked Kingdom right away!
      I used to read mainly YA contemporary (which is still sort of my go-to genre) but I get a bit bored when I read too much of it haha, that’s why I’ve been switching it up once in a while.
      Wishing you a wonderful September as well ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. meandinkblog Avatar

        It definitely does 😂 I am glad, it is so good. I know I can never decide which one is my favourite character. 😂
        Yes I think it is to switch up and you always surprise yourself by really liking something you didn’t expect to.
        Thank you 💛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Absolutely 🙂 The characters in Six of Crows are all multidimensional and very likeable. I wouldn’t be able to pick a favourite either!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. meandinkblog Avatar

        Haha I will just love them all 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Rasya Avatar

    Good luck with your reading and writing challenge! And wedding too! It must be hard lol. Planning a wedding has never been easy and there are so many things to think and people to satisfy especially if you’re an Asian.

    I realise that I’ve been writing less and less every year and it makes me scared because I don’t want a day where I’d stop writing to come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Rasya 🙂
      Haha yes wedding planning is hard especially the part where we have to satisfy different people. I am lucky in that I don’t have many relatives in Canada so it simplifies things a bit!
      That’s sad to hear that you are not writing as much now. Is it a matter of time or do you have another hobby or interest that occupies your mind more?


  20. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious Avatar

    Good luck with everything and I think 4 books in a month is great!
    I am an advocate of lowering your goal so it doesn’t stress you out – that way if you manage to beat it anyways it’s stress free! I tend to get really bitter when I feel obligated to do something, even if it is a something of my own doing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hi Kaleena 🙂
      Thank you for your encouragement! You are absolutely right that it is better to lower my reading goal to something more manageable, so that it will take the pressure off reading a set number of books. I will most likely do this after I see how this month goes 🙂


  21. Red Avatar

    I’m 134 pages into Six of Crows and it keeps me on the edge of my seat! Good luck with your reading goals!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Glad to hear you’re liking Six of Crows so far! Hope that you’ll enjoy the rest as much as I did 🙂 thank you


  22. Ellery Avatar

    I just stumbled across your blog from the reader, and I’m kind of excited to see that we’re both trying to read Six of Crows and Flowers for Algernon this month! We’ll have to compare notes at the end of September 😀

    And congrats on getting so close to the end of your WIP! That’s such a good feeling.


    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Ellery 🙂
      I finished Six of Crows early this week and absolutely loved it. I can’t help but love all the characters. Have you started this book yet? In any case hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did 🙂
      I haven’t started Flowers for Algernon yet but I’m looking forward to it!
      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ellery Avatar

        I haven’t started Six of Crows, but I’ve started Flowers for Algernon, haha. I’m excited to read both!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        How are you liking Flowers for Algernon so far? Hope you like both of these books!


      3. Ellery Avatar

        I don’t dislike Flowers, but some others on my TBR have stolen my attention away from it. I think it will be a good book to sandwich between two more fantastical reads 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        Haha no worries, I am often tempted to jump into another book when I am in the middle of one 🙂 In any case I hope that we will both enjoy Flower!

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  23. Bex @ Bexnbookx Avatar

    Hi Sophie, I just stumbled upon your wrap up and I am not disappointed because you have peaked my interest at FINALLY picking up The Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I have read Strange the Dreamer, but I haven’t managed any of Laini’s other work just yet, but it sounds like I definitely need to! I am excited that Six of Crows is on your September TBR because I am currently reading it also! I am reading around 20 pages a day, which isn’t much for me but I am really loving the story! I achieved my Goodreads goal last month, which I was pretty excited about, but then again I knew it was an achievable goal for me add anything more than 50 books was just going to be a bonus. I haven’t ever modified my goal, but normally I set it at the same every year which I make super achievable. I don’t like to put too much pressure on myself, because sometimes we just have average reading months and that’s completely OK! I hope you achieve all your September goals and have a fun time reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Bex! Glad that you’re enjoying Six of Crows so far. It really is a great story and I loved all the characters. I ended up loving the book!
      Hope that you will enjoy Daughter of Smoke and Bone! The series has amazing worldbuilding and I loved how the story developed especially towards the end.
      That’s awesome that you achieved your goodreads goal already and it’s not even October yet 🙂 Thank you ❤


      1. Bex @ Bexnbookx Avatar

        I am so excited to continue, I am glad you loved it!!! Daughter of Smoke and Bones definitely higher on my list now, I think Laini’s world building is absolutely fantastic so hopefully it lives up to the height Strange the Dreamer set! Thank you so much, I was pretty excited about reaching the goal!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        I loved Strange the Dreamer too 🙂 hope that you’ll have a good experience with this series


      3. Bex @ Bexnbookx Avatar

        Thanks so much!!!! I hope so too!!!

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  24. JohnnyK Avatar

    Love your post! Let’s just say it looks like I’m not going to be hitting some of my September goals before it’s over lol. I did just finished reading a great thriller novel new Civil Terror: Gridlock by author J. Luke Bennecke. It was futuristic (but like, just around the corner futuristic), which made it much more thrilling thinking that this could happenin my lifetime. Kudos to the author for his characterization of both Jake the protagonist and Viktor, who is one of the best antagonists in recent memory in my opinion. Highly recommend it! Here is the link to the author’s website in case you want more info: ( )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s great to hear that you enjoyed this book! Happy reading!


      1. JohnnyK Avatar

        Thanks, you too!

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  25. J. Luke Bennecke Avatar

    Thanks JohnnyK for your kind words. So glad you enjoyed the story. Feel free to post a review on if you have a spare minute. The draft sequel is written and we’re editing right now. Tentative title: Waterborne (hint: the terrorists are at it again…they’re using waterborne pathogens this time…) 😉

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