B&W Photo Challenge! Day 3

Hello everyone!

Thank you Darren @ The Arty Plantsman for the nomination. I am so happy to be doing this photo challenge again. Hope that you guys will enjoy these new photos. (Pssst…. I can’t share explanations as per the challenge rules, but I may post colour versions and explanations in a separate post later!)


The rules are: Seven days. Seven black and white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Challenge someone new each day.

Today I challenge Me and Ink!

No worries if photos and tags are not your thing. On the other hand, if you haven’t been tagged but would love to participate, consider yourself nominated!

27 responses to “B&W Photo Challenge! Day 3”

    1. Thanks Priyasha 🙂


  1. Ohhh that’s a great picture – is that where all of the writing happens? I’m so curious now haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thank you Marie! Actually this table was a bit of an impulse buy from a charity shop. Despite the interesting appearance, it is not very practical because there isn’t much leg space lol. We try to use it as a dining table and we have a separate table for writing/studying 🙂 Good guess though!

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      1. Oh damn – I didn’t think of that at first, but yes, it doesn’t seem to have that much leg-space, that’s too bad, it looks so cool! 😀

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      2. Lol yeah 🙂 We are making the best of it right now. At least it looks cool!

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    1. Thanks Darren!! It was a bit of an impulse buy from a charity shop but we have no regrets 🙂

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  2. I’m going to guess like Marie has that this is where you do your writing?! I will be making guesses for all your photos, so far I’m one for two, so I will be looking forwards to seeing the explanations a little later. 🙂
    Another great photo as well Sophie. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Glad that this one made you curious! As I was telling Marie, this was an impulse buy that turns out to be more decorative than practical haha. Because of the limited leg space, it actually isn’t too comfortable. We use it more as a kitchen island or dining table. I write on a table that is more comfortable or just in bed haha 🙂

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      1. Oh I can never write in bed, I tend to just sink further and further down until I’m lying down and then I just end up falling asleep (strangely enough I find it hard to write at a desk either).

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      2. Lol 🙂 What is your ideal writing spot? I used to love writing on the sofa (the perfect hybrid between chair and bed!!) but I had to donate when I moved!

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      3. I normally just sit on the sofa or on my chair. Somewhere cosy but where it’s uncomfortable for me to sleep you know? 🙂

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      4. Haha that’s true 🙂 Too much comfort can be unproductive!

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  3. Thank you so much for nominating me. This is a really cool tag, I can’t wait to try it out.
    I love the table, it looks very unique. I look forward to seeing more of your photos and the explanations as well.
    Thanks again ❤😊

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    1. You’re welcome 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your photos!
      Yes it is a very unique table that caught our eyes (and our hearts!) at first sight 🙂

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  4. Such an interesting design. Love this table. My guess is that you turn the wheel and the table comes down or up.

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    1. Yes!! It is a beautiful and unique table from a charity shop. We fell in love with it at first sight 🙂

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  5. Lovely photography! xx

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  6. That table looks amazing!

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    1. Thanks Michael! This was a bit of an impulse buy. We fell in love with it at first sight 🙂

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  7. That’s a neat table. Is that a wheel on the end? What’s it for?

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    1. Yup that’s a wheel! You can actually turn it to adjust the height of the table which is the awesome part 🙂

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