NaNo Diaries // Keep Calm and Write On

Hello everyone!

It’s day 11 of NaNoWriMo… How is everyone doing?

I had a tough week last week, mostly because of work which really affected the rest of my life, including writing. I was working 10hr, 12hr and sometimes even 16hr days, and that left barely any time at the end of the day to write. And even when I had time, it was hard to get into the mindset of writing!! When writing on weekdays, my time is often fragmented- an hour here, half an hour there- and I feel like the quality (and volume) of writing is impaired.

There was also a point late last week (on Wednesday or Thursday) when I really lost confidence in my writing. It was that horrifying writer’s doubt: “gosh, my manuscript sucks, this idea is terrible, the prose is garbage, there is no point to this scene, the characters don’t have chemistry,” etc, which was also amplified by the fact that I didn’t have much time to write. SOOOO overall it was a rough week.

Anyway! Over the weekend I was able to finally relax, forget about work, delve into my novel, and finally found my groove again. I find that my strategy would have to be to try to get ahead over the weekend, knowing that I will fall behind during the weekdays. Overall, I am starting to feel better about my novel although I know there are a few (ahem, more than a few!) things that need to be fixed. OH WELL, that is what editing is for!!

Did I mention that I went to a write-in last week? (I did plan on going to more write-ins… but some of them just didn’t work with my schedule haha.) The write-in that I attended was in the morning before work, in a cafe that was close to my workplace, so the place and timing really worked out. I appreciated that the other writers were quiet so that I got a lot of writing done that morning. We chitchatted a bit towards the end of the session- I met a fellow writer who is working on a fascinating industrial fantasy!! Overall it was a great experience and I hope to continue attending this one in the upcoming weeks.

About My NaNo Project, β€œFog”

No one knows where the Fog comes from. All they know is that those who enter the Fog never return.

Luna and her twin sister Treya live in a town on the coast of Suni. Luna is the quiet one, while Treya is charismatic, powerful and the pride of the Delphinus Clan. Treya has already decided to be a Sorcerer and join the Queen’s Army, just like their mother and father. But Luna doesn’t know what she wants to be; also, joining the Queen’s Army seems like a lot of work.

On the day of their graduation. Luna rescues a boy from the edge of the Fog. His name is Caio Amadeus Vladimir and he looks nothing like anyone in the country. Caio wants to go into the Fog and map out the lost regions of Suni, and he asks Luna to be his bodyguard. Luna thinks he is delusional.

Until Treya disappears on a misty day. Luna will do anything to bring her back.

My NaNoWriMo Progress: 22989 words / 50000 words

A Snippet from β€œFog”

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hope you are both doing well in Baiyunshan. Tell me more about where you are staying. Is it cooler than Ruxia? Is it true that there are different temperatures depending on the time of year? Do you have time to play rakugan out in the market? Do they lay gouya pieces out to dry on sunny days to make snacks? I hear that gouya only grows in Southern Suni, so maybe next time you come for a visit, you can stock up on this delicious fruit!

Do you have festivals over there too? I took Ning and Shuer to the Warrior’s Festival last time, just over at the Market Square. It’s a small event here in Ruxia but we had good food and played some games. I heard the one in Taisun is amazing though.

Treya and I are graduating soon. I am excited to see Treya compete in the Sorcery division in the Tournament. I am sure she will know everyone out. As for me, I don’t know which discipline to choose yet. If you have any brilliant ideas, it’s not too late to let me know!



P. S. Please visit soon.

P. P. S. If you are in the area, come drop by the Graduation Tournament. Treya and I will be so happy to see you both.

How’s NaNo going? Have you attended any write-ins? Any tips for work-writing balance?

Photo byΒ Joanna KosinskaΒ onΒ Unsplash

20 responses to “NaNo Diaries // Keep Calm and Write On”

  1. Work-writing balance can be really tough! I’m lucky that we’re in a relatively slow period right now work-wise. As far as NaNo goes, I was naughty and skipped one day, but every other day I’ve gotten my word count or even gone over. I’m only doing 700/day, so it’s not as impressive as other people’s totals, but that’s pretty good for me. I’m only 313 words behind at this point.

    Nice snippet. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Katie! That’s great to hear that work is not too hectic for you at the moment. Sounds like you are keeping it up with your word count goals which is good πŸ™‚ happy writing! Thank you!!

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  2. Eventually I will successfully do a nano, but this month it definitely wasn’t happening! But, I will start writing today so hopefully I can get a decent amount done before November ends!

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    1. Sometimes timing doesn’t work out when it comes to Nano and that’s all right! I think any amount of writing that you can get done this month is great πŸ™‚ happy writing Tiana!

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  3. I hope things calm down for you work wise too. And I’m glad that you get to relax more and get into your writing over the weekend. You’re doing amazingly word wise right now, especially considering how busy you’ve been. The snippet that you included was wonderful once again and very intriguing (:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you Charlotte! Frankly I am surprised how much I am writing these days despite my schedule πŸ™‚ it really helps to have days off, which is when I get the bulk of writing done. So glad that you like the snippet!!

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      1. Maybe having less time pushes you to use your spare time to do it as you know you won’t get another chance to. If that makes sense?

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      2. Yeah that’s what is probably what’s happening πŸ™‚

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  4. Wow, I’m so impressed with how much you’ve been able to write despite your long work hours!! I’m sorry to hear that it was rough at the beginning, but it looks like you’re getting back into the swing of it and doing really well πŸ˜€ Good luck, Sophie!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Margaret!! I am surprised by how much writing I am able to get done despite everything haha. Hope Nano is going well for you πŸ™‚ happy writing!!


  5. Good luck for your Nanowrimo project! It’s hard to balance between writing, blogging and life so I decided to skip on Nano this year πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely! Writing demands a lot of time and sometimes the timing just isnt right. It’s good to do what feels right at the moment πŸ™‚


  6. I’m sorry to hear that you have had a rough week in terms of being busy and self doubt.
    With work, I think you are doing absolutely amazing to balance it with writing and with such long hours as well. I think you should be proud of yourself. πŸ’›
    And self doubt can be so hard to handle as it zaps the energy out of you but your favourite authors have experienced this too and they kept going to produce a book you love so you can write you own wonderful story too!!
    I love the snippet, the world sounds very intriguing!! Thank you for sharing.
    Best of luck for the rest of the month!! πŸ’•

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you for the encouragement Sophie!! It is just what I need to hear at the moment haha πŸ™‚ yes I am proud of how much writing I am able to do these days despite everything that is going on! You are right that self doubt sounds like something that all writers struggle with- although it is strange to think that even our favourite authors experience this. I tend to imagine that everything they write come out magical but I think it takes a lot of hard work and revision even for great writers!

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      1. Of course, I’m glad I could help in a way!! ❀ It is really amazing!!
        I agree that it is hard to imagine big authors struggling with self doubt. It is why I like to follow Victoria Schwab on twitter as she openly talks about it. I find it very comforting and inspiring actually.

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      2. Yes I follow Victoria Schwab too!! She is really awesome and I appreciate her candor πŸ™‚

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  7. A quiet morning write-in sounds absolutely delightful!

    I totally understand the struggle with a work/writing balance. I often work really long days, too, and I do a lot of big spurts to “catch up” when I have down time, so I guess I don’t have advice, but know that you aren’t in it alone!

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    1. Hello Mary!! Glad that I’m not alone haha. If you look at my word count graph I definitely have big spurts followed by pretty flat days haha. How is Nano going for you? πŸ™‚

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      1. I don’t know how some people consistently write a lot every day, it’s amazing.

        Really well, surprisingly, thank you! Reached the halfway mark this week, and ready to keep powering through!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s great!! Keep it up πŸ™‚


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