Confessions of an Organized Mood Reader

Copy of Copy of Copy of MINI-REVIEW-12

Hello everyone!

For a long time I thought I was a mood reader, but when I read other blog posts about mood readers, I feel that it doesn’t 100% jive with me. But first things first! What is a mood reader?


A mood reader is someone who reads depending on their mood. You read when you feel like, whatever you feel like reading.

But then I think, I am not completely a mood reader. Although I pick what I read depending on my mood, I am fairly predictable in other aspects of reading, such as when and where I read. That gets me thinking, could I be an organized reader?!


An organized reader picks their next book based on prioritization of new releases, blog tours, ARCs, etc, and reads at scheduled times of the day or days of the week.

That doesn’t sound like me either! I could never follow a list of what I am going to read next. For me, there is no such thing as prioritization when it comes to reading. Like, what is prioritization even?

So… I decided to invent a new term for someone who is somewhere in between (such as myself):


The organized mood reader is someone who has the combined qualities of a mood reader and an organized reader.

In actuality, I think most people are a blend of both, but some may lean more towards one or the other. For the rest of this post I’ll tell you guys about what makes me both a mood reader and an organized reader. Do you guys have some of these qualities as well? What are your reading tendencies? Let me know what you think!

What makes me a mood reader:

1. I happily add books to my ever-growing TBR.


Whenever I read a glowing review or a fellow book blogger recommends a book, onto my TBR it goes! I really have a low threshold for adding books to my TBR. On average, I read 4-5 books per month, and… let’s just say that I add much more to my TBR than I take away. As a result, my TBR is growing at an exponential rate. I’d like to think of it not as a weedy garden but a field exploding with pretty flowers.

2. My TBR does not have an order.


A book could be on my TBR for years, but does that mean that I will get to it sooner than this shiny new book I just discovered? You would think that there is an order to my TBR, an algorithm that tells me what to read next, or that I simply go through my TBR in chronological order from when the books were first added. Nope, not at all. Which takes me to my next point:

3. I let my mood dictate what I want to read next.


You could say that the value of the TBR is lost on me, because I rarely stick to it! If a non-TBR book catches my eye, it could automatically become the next book on my TBR. That’s not really fair to the other books on my TBR right? To that I’d say: all is fair in love and war and…. TBRs.

4. My reading pace varies.


Sometimes I finish a book in a day! Sometimes it takes me a week! … Or two! When I like a book, I spend half a day or an entire day reading it until the very last page. When I dislike a book, I make every single excuse to not read.

5. I buy/borrow books impulsively.


Instead of reading what is already on my bookshelf, I often end up buying or borrowing a new book that catches my attention. Which means that despite my tiny bookshelf…. I have still yet to read half of it. One-click online shopping for ebooks and audiobooks is my best friend! (Or the bane of my existence, depending on how you look at it.)

But what makes me an “organized” mood reader?

1. I follow a (very) predictable pattern of when I read and where I read.


I read on my commute and I listen to an audiobook when I exercise and/or do chores. I go to many lengths to ensure that my life is, in general, very routine. If you keep track of the time(s) that I read on the average weekday, you’ll find that it is very similar from one day to the next. (Yes I would be very easy to assassinate.)

2. I very rarely DNF books.


When I start a book, I really make an effort to finish it, no matter how much I dislike it. I probably should DNF some books because most books I dislike by the halfway point I end up disliking away! But alas there is that perfectionist part of me that insists on toughing it out until the very end.


Not to say that these qualities are the very definition of an organized mood reader, not at all! Maybe you read at erratic times throughout the day or the week but you follow your TBR to a tee! Maybe you read depending on your mood but you make an effort to read all the books on your bookshelf first before making another purchase! (In which case please show me your ways!) My point is that there may be a gazillion different variations of the organized mood reader, some being more organized while some being more moody (like me.)


What do you think? Are you an organized reader or a mood reader or a bit of both? Do you limit your spending when it comes to books? How do you keep your TBR in check? Do you DNF books?


  1. kristinazilieva Avatar

    Great post! I am definitely somewhere in between 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Good to have the best of both worlds, right? 🙂 Thanks!


  2. MichaelK Avatar

    Sophie you never fail to amaze me with your posts. You just made realize that I am an organised mood reader too. You know I was considering myself a mood reader (and quite proud too) but reading your article I quite clearly saw myself there. I love this term you coined and I am going to use it from now on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Thank you Michael!! I am glad that you can relate to this post and that you like this term that I made up! I think it is great to have qualities of both a mood reader and an organized reader 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MichaelK Avatar

        Of course it is! We are the best after all, aren’t we? 😁😁😁

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      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Haha yes 🙂

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  3. esoterica Avatar

    This is great! I would definitely consider myself an organized mood reader, as well.

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    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s great to hear 🙂 We have the best of both worlds right? Thank you!

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  4. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

    I’ve got to say now I’ve read your post Sophie I think I’m probably an organised mood reader too. I’ve always felt I’m more of a mood reader but I have a fairly predictable schedule of when I read (during my morning and evening commute to work) and I rarely DNF books as well (no matter how bad I feel like the book could get better so I stick with it until the better end).
    I guess you can be more one than the other. I feel like I (and possibly you based on how you have more points for being a mood reader than an organised one) am more of a mood reader. I can definitely be a little too trigger happy when it comes to adding something new to my TBR list that’s for sure! 😀
    Great post. 🙂 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hi Beth!! Sounds like we have a lot of similar habits haha. I love reading during my commute and I actually enjoy my commutes for that reason. Yeah I tend to continue books until the very end (there are some times when a book does surprise me at the 95% mark). I think I definitely lean more towards being a mood reader too, especially when I read about how organized other bloggers like and I think “whoa that’s definitely not me” lol 🙂
      Thank you Beth ❤

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      1. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        Exactly, people always ask me if I get annoyed or bored, or how I do my long commute but I never mind because I always have a book on hand. Some people are really organised with their reading, and that will never be me either. 🙂
        That’s all right. ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Definitely 🙂 I wouldn’t give up my commute haha. I think it is all right to not be super organized with our reading, whatever makes us happy!

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      3. Beth (Reading Every Night) Avatar

        I feel like if I tried being super organised in my reading it would send me into a major reading slump, it’s just not now I work. 🙂

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  5. Alex Avatar

    I have to say that I have definitely become more of a mood reader over time but I think when I first started getting into reading, I was a huge organized reader. So, maybe somewhere I ended up being a mixture of both along the way.

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    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s interesting to hear that you changed from an organized reader to a mood reader. I guess this means you like being a mood reader more?


      1. Alex Avatar

        Oh, definitely. I think that by being a mood reader that reading has become a lot more relaxing than it was before.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Glad to hear that! Sounds like I should keep it up with my mood-reading tendencies 🙂

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  6. Marie Avatar

    This is…. well, this is very, very relatable, Sophie! I often feel like I fit right in between the mood reader and the organized reader. I don’t follow a strict schedule, though I do prioritize ARCs and try to read them before their due date. I am very predictable when I read, because I read mostly during my morning and evening commute and I rarely ever DNF books. I tend to add books to my TBR a little bit, too and in the little pile of books I have available, I don’t have a strict schedule to follow, I still pick up whatever I am in the mood for next ahah 🙂
    Great post 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Glad to hear that you can relate Marie 🙂 It makes sense to prioritize certain books while still having some room to choose a next read based on your mood. Looks like we both have the habit of reading during our commute (I actually enjoy my commute for this reason!) I think you mentioned before that you try to finish all the books on your shelf before buying new ones which I think is a great habit to get into. Thanks Marie ❤

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      1. Marie Avatar

        Oh it does make the commuting time a bit better, knowing you will get time to read, doesn’t it? 😀 ❤

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      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Definitely 🙂 I look forward to commuting to work because I am so excited to find out what happens next in the book that I’m reading!

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  7. facingthestory Avatar

    I can relate to this so much! I agree with you on every point made. Reading is very personal and we all choose diffrent books based on our likes and dislikes and read at a different pace. I would say that I’m a mood reader but also somewhat organised in that I always try to read at the same pace and try to somewhat follow the order that I added books on my TBR list. Great discussion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s great to hear that you’re a bit of both as well! I’d like to think of it as the best of both worlds 🙂 Thank you!


  8. Brittany @ Brittany & Her Bookshelf Avatar

    I love this! I am most definitely a mood reader. I never set TBR’s either because I always end up picking different books to read all together, lol. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Glad to meet a fellow mood reader 🙂 I think it is liberating to choose our next book based on our mood. Why read a book when we don’t feel like it right?

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      1. Brittany @ Brittany & Her Bookshelf Avatar

        Exactly! That’s what makes it fun!

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  9. Sieran Lane Avatar

    It’s a good idea to see it as a continuum, as you said. 🙂 I’m mostly a mood reader, as I usually pick up the book that I feel the greatest urge to read, which is an intuitive process. For fiction, I rarely DNF, but sometimes/often, I DNF nonfiction books! I’m learning not to feel guilty about not finishing those books, though. It’s okay to not read certain chapters if you feel that they don’t apply to you, or aren’t interesting to you.

    Lately, I’ve been encouraging myself to pick up some of my older books, i.e. ignore the “shine” of some new books that jump out at me. I would reread the blurbs of some older books, and pick one. Happily, I almost always enjoy these old books, and wonder why I waited so long to read them. I feel guilty for “abandoning” so many older books too. However, I have trouble reading my physical books, partly because I don’t want to carry a load with me, and that the words are so small. Also, most of my physical books are not gay romances– and all I’m interested in now are gay romances, hahaha.

    Hmm I tend to read before bed, just to help me sleep because I have insomnia. Well, I have insomnia regardless, but reading before bed makes it a little better. Sometimes, if I have the time and opportunity, I would read in the afternoon too. I try to avoid reading during my commute, though, because my poor eyes need to rest. It struck me recently that I may have weaker eye stamina than the average person, even before my eye strain problem came along.

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    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Sieran 🙂

      I can definitely relate to picking up books intuitively based on what I’m feeling at the moment. It’s a good thing because it means we are excited to start a new book right? I haven’t read a nonfiction book in a long time however I think it makes sense to pick and choose the sections that apply to us, especially since I find many nonfiction books to be quite long.

      It’s a great habit to pick through some of the older books on our shelves. I should do that 🙂 I’ve been wanting to reread The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (which has been sitting on my shelf for a long time) but I’ve kept on putting it off. Maybe it’s time!

      I find that reading before bed often helps me to go to sleep as well, especially if I pick a book that is on the slow and boring side haha 🙂 I sometimes listen to audiobooks at bedtime, so that I can turn off the lights (I’ve heard that having the light on makes our body think that it is day time so it is actually hard to fall asleep.) Take it easy and hope your eyes feel better 🙂

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      1. Sieran Lane Avatar

        I’m lucky in that even reading books I enjoy help me sleep. Well, fiction books relax me. Nonfiction tends to be too stimulating, but still less stimulating than social media, lol.

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      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Lol yeah social media is stimulating and also time-consuming. Right now i rarely go on Facebook or Instagram (though I still use Facebook messenger). I actually find nonfiction books to be more relaxing but it depends on how excited I am by the topic!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Yes, I believe most people find fiction to be more arousing and nonfiction to be more relaxing or boring, that’s why sleep experts would usually recommend reading nonfiction instead of fiction! It’s weird that reading fiction makes me sleepy, huh? I love novels SO MUCH, but fiction does slow my thoughts down and lull me into sleepiness, for better or for worse. Writing often makes me sleepy too, but it isn’t so effective in helping me fall asleep. Maybe it’s because I feel so safe and confident in the worlds of writing and reading fiction, that my brain just slows down when I read and write novels, lol.

        Haha I deliberately use Facebook to wake myself up. 😂

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      4. Sophie Li Avatar

        That’s interesting that you find nonfiction to be stimulating. I guess it is expected that our minds work differently right? 🙂
        I think writing has a neutral effect on me. Usually I write before going to bed and it doesn’t seem to make me sleepy (or hinder it, unless I am writing a super exciting scene or in the plotting stage of my novel!) However seeing light from the computer or phone screen does have a subconscious effect on keeping me awake.
        Sometimes I check my email or WP to motivate myself to wake up lol 🙂

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      5. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Yeah I find it embarrassing that doing my favorite thing in the world makes me sleepy… Unless the scene I’m writing is particularly riveting!

        Maybe I feel sleepy because I feel safe, comfortable, and complacent. Lol!

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      6. Sophie Li Avatar

        Lol I think it’s all right 🙂 although writing doesn’t make me sleepy it rarely keeps me awake haha. maybe it is because writing uses a lot of focus and concentration?

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      7. Sieran Lane Avatar

        It might be because it DOESN’T take much focus and concentration, lol. Pantsing is almost effortless for me… (Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like bragging. Just saying it in a matter of fact way. It really doesn’t take much effort to pants, because practice makes perfect, though I do get tired of going into my head for so long.) In contrast, I’m more awake when I write nonfictional stuff, maybe because my brain is using more effort and energy.

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      8. Sophie Li Avatar

        Pantsing takes much more effort for me because I have to actively think about what to write next, whereas when I have a plan ahead of time I can relax haha. It’s interesting that our minds work in different ways!
        However I think I agree that writing nonfiction is less relaxing (ie school papers lol) because it requires more research and often more structure

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      9. Sieran Lane Avatar

        Interesting! I can’t plan at all. When I try to “plan,” I realize I’m just pantsing… Yeah when I pants, I don’t need to consciously think about anything. All I need to do, is to look inside my mind, and write out what I see. Sometimes the process is even faster than that, where the words automatically pour out onto the page. It’s like I’m telepathically linked to my characters and their story, haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      10. Sophie Li Avatar

        That’s great 🙂 to be honest I probably plan out 50% of the story and pants the rest. I tried the snowflake method however ended up tweaking some plot points at the end haha. However I like being able to at least know the gist of what will happen in a scene before writing it. I like having some freedom to make things up as I go along 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Kelly Brigid Avatar

    This post describes me so much! I often identify as a mood reader, but I almost always finish my books, and I have a sort of “immediate tbr” where I shelve books that I will “most likely” read in the not too distant future. But my mood might tell me to read something else instead. Hahaha. Lovely post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Sounds like you also have the best of both worlds Kelly 🙂 That’s great that you have an immediate tbr. I think I also have this, though it is just a short list in my head than a physical shelf. Thank you 🙂 ❤

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  11. Stefanie Avatar

    I’m more of a mood reader. I identified with some of your points. I used to read a lot more when I was on the elliptical but now I’m walking about town most of the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Stefanie! I tried reading on a treadmill once however I found it hard to focus on the words. Now I like to listen to audiobooks while I am exercising which gets rid of that problem 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stefanie Avatar

        I make sure my screen is bright and I enlarge the font up to a 7. I do don’t go as fast on the elliptical as you probably are on the treadmill.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        Oh I see, that would make sense 🙂


  12. Zoie Avatar

    This is a really interesting topic! I’ve always thought of myself as a mood reader, too, but your post made me rethink that bookish label I put on myself. I can relate to both the aspects of being a mood reader and an organized reader, and I agree that everyone is most likely a mixture of both reader types. Since I’m currently in a gender unit for my English Lit class, I decided to read “The Witch Doesn’t Burn in this One” by Amanda Lovelace on my own to supplement the required readings in my class. I would say that’s an organized decision, but at the same time, I was also in the mood to read a book related to gender *because* of my English class… so yup! Definitely a combination of both 😊 I enjoyed reading your post, Sophie! It made me think quite a bit about my own reading habits 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      That’s great to hear that you can relate to this post Zoie! It’s pretty cool that you guys have a gender unit as part of your English Literature class. It must have been interesting since you decided to read a book on your own because of this class 🙂

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      1. Zoie Avatar

        The Witch Doesn’t Burn in this One by Amanda Lovelace is an AMAZING poetry collection! If you’re ever in the mood to read some empowering feminist poems and feel like you’re punched in the face by each and every single poem in the book (in a good way 😋) I would totally recommend Lovelace’s poetry collection. It’s truly so, so good and empowering and beautiful 😭

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sophie Li Avatar

        I haven’t been reading much poetry (at all!) but I will keep this in mind if I am in the mood 🙂 thanks for the recommendation Zoie!

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  13. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate Avatar

    I can absolutely relate to you, Sophie! I didn’t really think I was anything but a mood reader before but now I know the truth: I am an organised mood reader. I SEE THE LIGHT NOW.

    Like you, I rarely DNF books because it feels wrong and I like to finish what I start. Usually. But I’m trying to work on that because life’s too short. I also try to use my time as efficiently as possible, so listening to audiobooks doing brain dead tasks is a big hit!

    Other than that though, I am extremely unpredictable and messy. I pretty much attest to everything you mentioned as some of my own “problems” as well. But hey, no one’s perfect.

    Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophie Li Avatar

      Hello Sophie 🙂 Glad that you can relate! I was actually a bit nervous to make this post, however it seems like there are quite a few who feel this way.
      You’re so right about DNFing books. Life is too short to spend time finishing books that we don’t like right? I will have to rethink my DNF policy as well haha 🙂
      Audiobooks are so awesome! I am with you in that I love efficiency, and audiobooks are the perfect way to get reading (and daily mundane tasks) done.
      Thank you Sophie ❤


  14. Favorite Blog Posts of September | booked on a feeling Avatar

    […] Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner talks about being an organized mood reader (which unfortunately I don’t fall into that category but I wish I was a more organized mood reader!) I found this post to be very helpful when it comes to my own reading “style” […]


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