The 15-Beat Method for Writers: My Thoughts!

Hey everyone!

I’ve been talking about the 15-Beat method for outlining a novel for a while, and it seemed like some of you were curious about it… so here we go! A few points that I want to hit before we start:

  • The 15-Beat Method, also known as “Blake Snyder’s Beat Sheet” is a fairly well-known method for outlining a book. I did not invent it so I can’t take credit! In this post I want to share with you guys my experience with it, what I liked and what I disliked.
  • This is not an instructional post about how to use this method. There are many great blog articles, books, and youtube videos which I will link here, as they will probably do a better job explaining the method than I do haha :’)
  • This method was initially published in a book titled “Save the Cat” by Blake Snyder, which is originally intended to guide screenplay writers, although the method has been adapted for writers (“Save the Cat! Writes a Novel” by Jessica Brody.) My experience is based solely on what I’ve learned about this method through the free online resources since I haven’t had a chance to read these works. (So take my words with a grain of salt hahahah…)

What is it?

The idea of Blake Snyder’s 15-Beat Method is that every screenplay (or in this case, novel) can be boiled down into 15 beats. These beats include the “Opening Image“, which sets the tone of the novel and presents a snapshot of the main character’s problem. The opening image is followed by the “Set-up“, “Theme Stated“, “The Catalyst“, “Debate“, etc. For a more comprehensive description of each of the beats and what they entail, check out these resources:

What I like about the 15-Beat Method

1. It’s flexible.

Although the idea of distilling a novel down to 15 beats sounds very strict, it’s actually not. You’re not obligated to include all 15 beats in your novel, and each beat can be as long or as short as you want it to be (whether it is 10 chapters or just one sentence). You could also switch beats around if it makes more sense for the events of your novel to occur in that order. So really, you can use 15-beats the way you want to for your novel, and you don’t have to force a beat if it really isn’t meant to be.

For example, in Children of the Sun, the “B Story” (which is, though not always, a romantic subplot) is introduced during “Debate” and before “Break into Two”. And I really haven’t figured out a way to incorporate “Theme Stated” as a beat at all. And that’s all okay.

2. It can be fast.

You can fill out the beat sheet pretty quickly when you have a good idea of how your story will go! It is up to you how detailed you want to go, whether you want to write one sentence or ten pages for each beat. If you are in a rush to draft a novel or just want to create a rough outline, this is something that you can quickly work through.

When I used the 15-beat method for Children of the Sun, I was on the third draft so I already knew main pieces of the plot. I decided to jot down one or more key scenes for each of the beats, and ended up finishing the beat sheet in days.

3. It provides a great structure for a novel.

All the important structural elements are there. By following the 15-beat method, you are sure to hit the high (and low) points of your novel. As a writer who is still learning about structure, this was helpful in guiding my novel planning process. It felt good to have a backbone to fall back on when I am unsure where the story will go next.

What I dislike about the 15-Beat Method

1. It’s a bare bones approach to outlining.

Compared to other methods like the snowflake method, the 15-beat method doesn’t offer too much guidance about how to expand on your initial idea.

At the time that I used this method, I was outlining the third draft of my novel. There were definitely elements of my plot that I wanted to change and a few things that were still up in the air, but I had the gist of things in my head already. It was fairly effortless to re-think my plot in the context of the 15-beat method. However I am not sure if this would be more difficult if I were working on the first draft of a fresh new idea.

2. It’s a starting point.

The 15-beat method also doesn’t directly prompt you to examine your characters’ motivations and story arcs. You’ll have to create character sheets, do research, and do worldbuilding on your own. Your completed beat sheet will be one of the things in your toolbox prior to starting a novel, but it shouldn’t be the only thing!*

*However keep in mind that we all have our own preferences as to how much we want to plan vs. pants our novel. Everyone has their own comfort level. I’m definitely not saying that you all need to do this before writing a novel πŸ™‚

The Bottom Line:

Overall, I had a great experience with the 15-beat method for outlining the 3rd draft of my current novel! I would definitely recommend this method, especially if you already have a good idea of where your plot is going.

Are you a plotter or pantser? What methods/techniques have you used for outlining?

31 responses to “The 15-Beat Method for Writers: My Thoughts!”

  1. I’ve been an anti-planner, but moving to try planning to get a better, more cohesive story. I do webcomics and find that lack of planning has been a major problem for story cohesion… glad to see a review on saving the cat, though, cos I got a sample but it didn’t have enough info for me to jump on buying it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Cynthia! I used to not plan things out as well, however once I started outlining, it really made a difference. I thought that outlining would take the fun out of writing haha but I found that I actually enjoy writing more and that scenes come easier to me. I also don’t waste time writing scenes that add to the story. Not everyone is meant to be planners, but I think it’s nevertheless good to give it a try to see if you prefer it πŸ™‚ I haven’t actually read Save the Cat, I’ve only referred to online resources about how to use the 15-beat method, however I think if you have the book, then by all means put it to good use πŸ™‚


  2. Ahhh thank you for this, Sophie, I was looking forward to hearing more about this method and your thoughts on it! I have never tried this out, but when you first talked about it a little while ago, I did some research on it and it sounded interesting, I like that it provides a little bit of structure to a story and I think that might help me when drafting… I’ll have to try it out to see if it works out well for me πŸ™‚ thank you for sharing!! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Marie!! Glad to hear that you’ve been looking into this and you might give it a try. I definitely recommend it. It isn’t as intense of a method as some of the other ones out there. For example the snowflake method would take me a month to plan out a novel, but this one takes a significantly shorter amount of time haha. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Will you be using it for 3 seconds, or a new novel? πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s good to hear! I don’t know just yet, I was thinking of maybe trying it out for my new idea, but… well I’ve been slacking on the writing department lately haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha no worries. You just finish a novel (HUGE accomplishment!!!) So it’s all right to take a break and get back to writing again when you have some fresh inspiration!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve heard a little bit about this method before but not in detail, so it was cool to hear about your experience with it! I think it might be something I try going into my next draft πŸ™‚ It does sound like a great flexible starting point that can be molded to whatever you need it to be according to the story you’re writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Margaret!! Yes, absolutely! I love how flexible this method is and you can really adapt it for your novel. Curious to hear your thoughts about it! Also, I’m wondering about your Camp Nano project! Are you starting something new or continuing a previous project?? πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Planning on continuing the project I was working on during the last Camp NaNo! Hoping to finish the first draft in July but we’ll see??

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awesome!!! Pretty much the same for me as well (also hoping to finish my draft in July πŸ™‚ )


  4. Never heard of this method but I’m trying Nanowrimo again this year so it might helps. Thanks, Sophie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great Rasya!! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this method. Since you’re planning to do Nanowrimo, wondering if you’re interested in Camp Nanowrimo in July? In case you haven’t heard about it before, it’s a bit more flexible than Nanowrimo (you can set your own word count or minute count goals, so it could be good for drafting or writing!) πŸ™‚


      1. Never heard of that! I’m going for cam nanowrimo then because i could set word count goals πŸ˜‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s great that you’re up for camp nanowrimo! Let me know if you are looking to join a cabin πŸ™‚


  5. This is such a cool method! I’ve always had idea’s for stories that I should write but I never get around to it lol!
    -Emma πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Emma! That’s great that you have some ideas, make sure to write them down somewhere so you will remember them πŸ™‚ Thank you!! ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love to write them down but then end up in the middle of an entire outline? Like how????

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lol yes! That happens to me all the time πŸ™‚


  6. It’s great if you need guidance. Just in general terms. But then, any “method” seems restrictive. And who’s to say that there isn’t method to your madness?
    I’ve never heard of this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes, I’d say to each their own! There is no one “best” method and there will be a different method that works for each writer. Some writers invent their own method and that’s perfectly fine too!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Such a great and thorough post! I do agree that while this hits all the highs and lows of stories, it really is just a starting point and can only give you the bare bones of an outline. Glad you had a good time with it though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely! It is a very bare-bones approach πŸ™‚ I don’t remember if I’ve asked before, but do you write as well? πŸ™‚


  8. […] Reads, Journey into Books, Dani @Perspective of a Writer, Bookworm Muse, Hammock of Books, Sophie and Bookmark Your […]


  9. It is so great to hear more about writing methods and people’s process. This is definitely one I will look into as I think it will help with my story structure as sometimes I worry I don’t have enough substance in my book. And I have already done character info and started world building (this takes a lot longer than I thought πŸ˜‚) and I know where I want my plot to go so this sounds really good for me. I’m glad you had a good time with this method.
    At the minute I would say I am a plotter (or just doing a lot of activities to procrastinate writing) and I really want to strength my idea before writing but I still like the idea of pantsing as it gives you a lot of freedom!!
    I loved reading this post– thank you for sharing! πŸ’›

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sophie!! Yeah I think if you already have your characters and world building figured out, and just need to work on story structure, then this might be a good method to try out!! Let me know if you end up using this and hope that you’ll like it πŸ™‚
      Plotting and pantsing are two ends of a spectrum, so I think it’s good to do a bit of both and get the best of both worlds πŸ™‚
      Thank you Sophie ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will absolutely let you know if I try and what I think!! 😊 yes I agree– getting the best of both worlds sounds ideal!!! πŸ’›

        Liked by 1 person

  10. […] Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner talks about the 15-Beats writing method. […]


  11. […] Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner “The 15-Beat Method For Writers: My Thoughts!” […]


  12. […] The 15-Beat Method for Writers: My Thoughts!(Sophie β˜€ sophiexli) […]


  13. […] you’re having trouble figuring out where the major points should be in a story, check out “The 15-Beat Method for Writers,” based on Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat. While the book was written for screenwriters, the […]


  14. […] I’ve tried out several outlining processes before, including The Snowflake Method, The 15-Beat Method, and 3 Act Method, and consumed lots of youtube videos and blog articles on the topic. So in the […]


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