The Sunshine Blogger Award!

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of MINI-REVIEW-11

Hello everyone!

Thank you Jayati @ Junky Writing for nominating me for this award! I would choose a sunny day over a cloudy one any day so this one is perfect for me πŸ™‚


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and links back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions (I only nominated 7 here- I am all tagged out for this week lol πŸ™‚ )
  • List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post or on your blog

Questions and Answers:

What is your favourite word?

Tough question! There are some words that I like in theory but rarely use (like imminently, “is this project due imminently?” “go out for dinner, like imminently?”) However I think I will choose a word that naturally rolls off my tongue (or my fingertips), and that is “amazing”. I use this word a lot, and it’s truly because I am often amazed by things and by people.


Which book will you never get tired of rereading?

Confession, guys: I don’t reread books often. With the limited time that I have to read and an ever-expanding TBR……. well, I feel that it is more efficient to read new books, right? If I do have to pick one series, it will have to be Harry Potter. I am re-reading this series right now and I already feel determined to re-read it again in the future!


Why did you start blogging?

Initially, I started blogging because I wanted to be able to share my writing online. Of course much has changed since then (although I do some write tags / character aesthetics / share snippets, as you guys may know that’s definitely not the focus of this blog!) Because of blogging, I met a wonderful community who inspire me to keep reading.

One thing you would never give up?

Wow this is hard! Where do I start? Other than the basics (food, water, oxygen, health care, electricity, money, free will), I wouldn’t give up my laptop. And that’s because it is where all my WIP and past novels are stored. (I should really start backing them up, shouldn’t I?)


Which type of posts do you have the most fun while writing?

I love to do wrap-up posts because it is a time for me to reflect on the previous month and set goals for the next one.

Favourite blog post (by you or any other writer)?

This is another tough question! There are so many blog posts that I love (both by myself and by others), that it would be so hard to just choose one.Β However I do want to share this Youtube video about a girl who stores four years of trash in one mason jar. It changed how I live my everyday life and made me question the purchases I choose to make.


If you had to change your name, what would it be?

If I were to change my name, I would go on a creative limb and change my name from Sophia (my true name) to Sophie. (Though I already kind of had on this blog, hahahaha…)

What one question would you like to ask me?

What is your favourite word, Jayati?

Last thing you Googled?

“What is my favourite word,” because I really had a hard time answering that first question LOL. I came across a quiz that promised to reveal my favourite word to me (but it was not helpful haha :))

Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 5.18.05 PM.png

What language do you wish you could speak?

French! I love the sound of the French language, and French was one of my favourite classes back in grade school and high school.

How do you deal with a reading slump?

My reading slumps tend to be triggered by one or few books I’ve recently read that burned me out. I think it helps to switch gears and read a book from a different genre or to read a short and fluffy book that I know I’ll get through.

My questions:

  1. What is your favourite genre to read?
  2. Would you rather read a book that takes place where you live, or one that takes place in a different city/country?
  3. Do you have a preferred character personality type?
  4. Any bookish pet peeves?
  5. Do you have a favourite type of romantic couple?
  6. Who are your favourite writer(s)?
  7. If you are stranded on a deserted island and you can only bring one book with you, which book would you pick?
  8. Do you have any pets or would you like to have a pet?
  9. If you have a day without any responsibilities (ie. work, school, chores), what would you do with your time?
  10. Would you rather be famous or rich, and why?
  11. What would you do with a million dollars?

I nominate these awesome peeps:

Zoie @ Whisked Away By Words

Sophie @ Beware of the Reader

Priyasha @ Books & Co

Kat @ Life and Other Disasters

Me and Ink Blog

Dani @ Perspective of a Writer

Katie @ Never Not Reading

No worries about doing this tag if you’re not feeling it. On the other hand, if you haven’t been tagged but want to do this one, consider yourself nominated!


How would you answer some of these questions?!

53 responses to “The Sunshine Blogger Award!”

  1. Thanks for tagging me, SophiE! I did not know that your given name was actually Sophia. How much a little letter can change πŸ˜€
    I also would struggle to know my favourite word right off the bat. Although I think it might be “petrichor”. I would have a hard time explaining the why of it all though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol yes! For some reason β€œSophie” and β€œSophia” feel very different to me though it is mostly the same name πŸ™‚
      Petrichor? I had to look that one up lol πŸ™‚ Learned a new word today! Thanks Kat!

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      1. I think I first heard of petrichor on Doctor Who and then just sort of fell in love with it and the meaning too haha

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      2. Very cool πŸ™‚

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  2. Congratulations ❀❀❀

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  3. Nice tag! I always love to learn more about you. But one person of advice, start backing up now, no, I mean now as in right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL great advice. I should definitely do that. I wouldn’t want a bad experience to happen haha πŸ™‚

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      1. If you need backup info and help let me know! And did autocorrect turn piece to person?


      2. Hmm I was thinking of Dropbox. What do you recommend for backing up?
        I didn’t realize the autocorrect haha, I think I read it correctly as “piece” though it did become “person” πŸ™‚

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      3. Dropbox is certainly the most popular and well established one, their free plan doesn’t offer much space though. I use that offers more free space but I have gone the extra mile and I have set up a personal cloud as well.

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      4. Cool πŸ™‚ I actually realize that I have iCloud so I can use that!

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  4. Congratulations on the award, Sophie! ❀
    I don't know how you do NOT back-up every thing, I keep my writing and WIP in a hard drive and back it up every two seconds even if I am not working on it, I am terrified of losing everything haha.
    It's so cool that you want to learn French, if you ever need any help with it all, well, I'm here πŸ™‚ ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL πŸ™‚ I think I haven’t had a bad experience with not backing up or else I would be backing up religiously! However I don’t want to wait for a bad experience to happen, so you are so right that I should start backing up right now πŸ™‚
      French is such a lovely language! I don’t have too much free time to learn a new language these days, so far I am just passively absorbing some French while listening to a few French songs that I like πŸ™‚

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      1. Ohhh that’s so great – songs are a great way to learn, I know that’s part of how I’ve learned English haha πŸ˜€

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      2. Definitely πŸ™‚ Glad to hear that you like to learn language through music too, though your English is much better than my French! Is it common for French people to know English?

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      3. Aww you’re so sweet, that means a lot! ❀ Not really – we do learn languages and English at school a little bit, but it's not like in certain countries where everyone is fluent (I'm thinking of Scandinavian countries where I think it's more common for people to be fluent in English as well as their native language). I just learned early on (with tv shows, books added to the required classes at school) and never stopped learning and loving it πŸ˜€

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      4. That’s awesome πŸ™‚ I find that it helps to learn a language early on! I moved to Canada when I was small and absorbed English like a sponge haha πŸ™‚

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      5. Ahahah yes, it’s best to learn young πŸ˜€

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  5. Great answers! Amazing is an ineteresting wor and well, my favourite would have to be, uhh, Ethereal, cause it sounds magical or love. Ugh, I can’t choose. Plus, I d=would never get bored of rereading Harry Potter. I would never give up my laptop too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love the word ethereal as well. In general I love words that sound like what they mean!

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      1. Yeah, I am with you on that.

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      2. Sophie, I realized that I missed reading this post!

        About backing stuff up, wow, I’m the opposite. I am SO paranoid about backing up all my files, that I typically have six copies of everything, in six different places, lol.

        For fun, I’ll answer your questions. πŸ˜€

        What is your favourite genre to read?

        Hands down gay romances!

        Would you rather read a book that takes place where you live, or one that takes place in a different city/country?

        I prefer books that are set in a fantasy or sci-fi universe.

        Do you have a preferred character personality type?

        One favorite type, is the cheeky funny character, who is also a compassionate sweetheart.

        Any bookish pet peeves?

        Books with tragic endings where you know the author simply wanted to make the reader cry just for the sake of it. Like, the tragic ending doesn’t even make logical sense. For instance, I read a book that was going to end happily, but suddenly it started flooding, and the heroine drowned. Another book was also going to end happily, but then the heroine overdosed on sleeping pills because she couldn’t resist, and died… So sad yet so random, right?

        Do you have a favourite type of romantic couple?

        The volatile, yet passionately loving kind is quite cool, like Baz and Simon, haha. Seyn and Ksar from That Irresistible Poison is also this kind of couple.

        Who are your favourite writer(s)?

        Fyodor Dostoyevsky and George Eliot. For gay romances, probably Alessandra Hazard (author of That Irresistible Poison.)

        If you are stranded on a deserted island and you can only bring one book with you, which book would you pick?

        A book of magic spells, so I can use it to help me get off this island!

        Do you have any pets or would you like to have a pet?

        It would be cool to get a rabbit.

        If you have a day without any responsibilities (ie. work, school, chores), what would you do with your time?

        Lol this is me every day during the summer holidays. I would like to hang out with friends, go on social media, read, write, and also play a bit of Pokemon, haha. Basically do everything. XD

        Would you rather be famous or rich, and why?

        Rich, because it’s probably more useful than being famous. Plus, I think it would be easier to help other people with money than with fame and influence…though some may disagree.

        Sophie, would you rather be rich or famous? I’m quite curious about your response. πŸ˜€

        What would you do with a million dollars?

        Put that into my savings account and think about how to spend it later, lol. I would like to donate at least some of it to charities, though.

        P.S. My favorite word is ethereal too, like one of your friends above. ^_^

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      3. Hello Sieran!
        These are great answers! I used to like tragic endings but not anymore. I can see how it is annoying when a novel ends tragically for no good reason. I am happy that most books that I read end happily (since these days I’ve been reading mostly YA books.) I don’t mind bittersweet endings if it makes sense. Sometimes I am annoyed by endings that seem forced to be perfect.
        I would rather be famous because I want to be known for what I love to do, such as writing πŸ™‚ I don’t care for being rich, as long as there is enough money for the basics (food, rent) and a bit extra.

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      4. I’ll reply later, but recently I’ve been feeling quite fatigued, so I’ll take a break from writing or write more slowly for a while.

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      5. That sounds like a plan πŸ™‚ Hope you’re feeling better now.

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      6. I wrote a bit today, but still feel fatigued, lol. My fingers were hurting too.

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      7. I saw that you met your word goal! Congrats! How much more of the novel to go?

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      8. There is so much more to go. πŸ˜‚ But we are getting close to one of the crisis points. 8D But I got distracted by reading books, writing book reviews, and writing my latest blog post instead, lol. Well, at least those are still writing-related tasks, haha.

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      9. Writing is writing! I’d like to think that writing reviews and blog posts and of course reading all help us hone our skills in writing. I am almost done my current WIP, though I’ll have to cram in a lot of writing the next few days to finish it this month πŸ™‚

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      10. Wow congratulations that you’re almost done with Shapeshifter!

        As much as I love fiction-writing, I really enjoy nonfiction writing as well, and I would feel less fulfilled if I didn’t also get to write those blog articles. πŸ™‚

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      11. Thanks! I also like to have variety when it comes to writing πŸ™‚

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  6. Congratulations!!! And thank you so much for tagging me, I look forward to writing my answers.
    I rarely re-read books too my tbr is calling out to me but I do have books I would love to re-read when I have time. That YouTube video looks really interesting I will have to watch it. I think one of my favourite words is nefarious I don’t really have a reason except I really like the way it sounds πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ lovely post and thanks again for the tag πŸ’›

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes, there are so many books that I’m itching to read on my TBR. And although there are books that I love to re-read, sometimes they are out-competed by the new and shiny lol πŸ™‚
      Nefarious does sound like a cool word even though I don’t use it often πŸ™‚
      Thank you ❀

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      1. Yes my hands always go to the shiny covers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no I don’t use it often either but sometimes I just randomly say it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you’re welcome 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Love these Q&A sessions!
    And yes, you should prolly start backing stuff up πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol yes! Maybe I will make use of my dropbox or something πŸ™‚ Thank you Norrie!

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  8. I loved reading your answers for these questions Sophie! πŸ™‚ It seems a little strange to me hearing your name is actually Sophia because you’ve always just been Sophie to me, but yeah I’d never give up my laptop either. My whole life is pretty much stored on there in one way or another. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to give it up.
    I probably do have a favourite word, but I can’t think of it. If I go by what I say the most it tends to me β€˜you know what I mean?’ (God I’ll say that so so much, too much!)
    Great post, and again great answers for this tag. πŸ™‚ ❀️

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    1. Haha yeah, the two names sound so different to me though the spelling is very similar πŸ™‚
      I depend on my laptop so much. I’m sure if there is a fire or my boat sinks, I will try to save my laptop (even though you’re not supposed to bring anything haha.)
      I know what you mean in that there are some go-to phrases for me too (“I know what you mean” is probably one of them!) It is hard to try to think of different ways to say things πŸ™‚
      Thank you Beth ❀

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      1. It’s kind of funny you saying that because at work we had a fire drill today and instead of leaving everything behind every immediately grabbed all their bags before leaving, and I was thinking as I was leaving ‘I wish I’d brought my work laptop as well’! πŸ˜€ Can’t escape it.
        Definitely, and I guess after a while they kind of become habit to say them you know?
        That’s all right. πŸ™‚ ❀

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      2. Lol! That’s funny how everyone brought their bags. I can imagine that if there is a real fire, it would be tempting to bring along things that are precious to us! However the urgency of the situation might make us forget about that haha.

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      3. Well yeah, my bag had my Kindle, MP3 player, purse, phone, everything in it. There was no way I was going to risk losing that to a fire! πŸ™‚

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      4. Same here πŸ™‚ Seems like our bags have lots of precious stuff (expensive and also meaningful!)

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  9. Great answers. I really like learning more about you Sophie. Jayati??? I had to Google it. I didn’t know what it meant. I think it is quite appropriate. πŸ’•

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    1. Hi Dominique πŸ™‚ I meant to say that “amazing” is my favourite word. Jayati is the name of the blogger friend who had tagged me for this post!


      1. Haha… I was a little bit confused. I thought it was because English is not my first language. Your friend has a wonderful name as it means victorious according to Google. Take care Sophie, keep well.

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      2. No worries πŸ™‚ that’s good to know. I didn’t know that before. Wishing you a good day as well!

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  10. I’ve watched that “Four Years of Trash” video before too, and it started to open my mind about the possibilities of living a cleaner life. There’s something so wholesomely satisfying about minimizing your waste, and it just feels really nice in general to do something environmentally-friendly 😊

    Ummm I’m definitely guilty of not backing things up, but judging by how frantically everyone is telling you to start backing your WIPs up asap in the comments, I probably should get around to working on that. I haven’t had a bad experience with losing documents either, which is probably why I’m so chill with not backing my WIP up. πŸ˜‡ Anyways, great post, Sophie! This was really fun to read 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Zoie πŸ™‚ yes that video really opened my eyes about being kinder to the environment. I try my best but sometimes it is hard. For example many foods only come in plastic packaging in the stores.

      Haha we should both back up our WIPs!! (I actually hadn’t gotten around to doing that yet but I really should now that you reminded me πŸ™‚ )

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  11. […] philosophical read, I thought it would nice to balance out the intensity with a fun tag. Thank you Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner for tagging […]


  12. […] for an award which is amazing and I am incredibly grateful. I got nominated by Sophie from Sophie’s corner who has a fabulous blog who writes about books and writing. If you haven’t checked out her […]


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