Re-Reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of MINI-REVIEW-3

Hello everyone!

A confession: Despite being a self-proclaimed Harry Potter fan, I’ve only read the series once, and that was 10 years ago.

I know right? What took me so long!? What kind of fan am I that I’ve only read my favourite series ONCE!? [Shields self from tomatoes]

The truth is, I’m… not too big on re-reading. Period. I should probably re-read more than I do, but I am always weigh the benefits of re-reading a book that I know I will enjoy vs reading something NEW and EXCITING.

Anyway, this past week I decided to take the plunge. I was a bit uncertain as I started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, because… HP is a children’s series, and it will be my first time experiencing this as an adult. No regrets, you guys. I really loved it 🙂



Harry Potter’s life is miserable. His parents are dead and he’s stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he’s a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the magic community, Harry is known as the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort.

Harry’s first year at Hogwarts is far from perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it’s his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined.

I loved the characters and the dynamics between them. Harry is hesitant at first but he sticks to his principles and is loyal to his friends. Though he feels miserable and out of place at Uncle Vernon’s place, he quickly gains confidence at Hogwarts, and he feels more at home than he’s ever been. Ron is dorky and hilarious. I love how his friendship which Harry evolves, starting from the first awkward conversation on the train to becoming best friends. Hermione is such a lovable nerd. Though she is a show-off and a know-it-all, we discover that she is brave and kind at heart.


Oh the world building! How can you not fall in love with the HP world!? I love the idea of Hogwarts, the four houses and the Sorting Hat, Quidditch, magical creatures and spells, and Platform 9-3/4. I can’t help but get lost in this magical world and feel like I am part of it all. Does anyone else have the HP movie theme song looping in your head when you read HP?!


I love how the story is simple to follow but very, very engaging. Although I read the book before and saw the movie (many many times) and I know the premise and the ending, I’ve forgotten everything that happened in the middle. It was still exciting to read the sequence of events and try to guess what happens next.


Did I mention JK Rowling’s writing style which is so easy to read? Something about it makes you want to keep turning the pages! The pacing is perfect and I am never bored! I love the dialogues between Harry and his friends which are so hilarious at times. I love coming across quotes that I’ve always known and loved- “It’s levi-o-sa”, “We’ll be killed, or worse, expelled”, “It’s hard to stand up to your enemies but just as hard to stand up to your friends.”


The Bottom Line: 4/5 stars!

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. The world of Harry Potter feels just as magical and exhilarating, even as I read this book as an adult. This is a series that I will be coming bak to again and again.



Do you tend to re-read old favourites or would you rather pick up a new book? Are you a Harry Potter fan? Which is your favourite book in the series? Who is your favourite character?

48 responses to “Re-Reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”

  1. There is nothing better than rereading Harry Potter, especially after it has been so long since you first read them! So happy that you still love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Kristen! Yes it’s a great feeling to reread an old favourite after many years. I am done the 2nd book now and loving it so much 🙂 Thank you!


  2. You can be a fan even if you have read something just once! I don’t reread books (with just a couple exceptions). I agree HP was a great series for what it has achieved but I wouldn’t call myself a “real” fan.

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    1. Hello Michael! I am with you in that I read almost all books just once. Lol I see! I think I enjoy HP mostly because I remember it so vividly from my childhood. If you could choose, what is your favourite series?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Now, that’s a difficult question! I think I would go with The Wheel of Time, a 14 book series which is truly epic in its scope.

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      2. I think I remember you mentioning that series before! Wow 14 books- that sure does sound epic 🙂

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      3. It is but if you are looking for something shorter there is the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson and The Riyria Revelations trilogy by Michael J. Sullivan.

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      4. I’ll keep them in mind 🙂 I will also have to read It Can’t Happen Here which was another one of your recommendations!

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  3. I have not re-read the series either but to be fair I was between 6 and 16 when all the books came out. I didn’t have a job or my own money and there’s no way in hell my mom would ever buy me a book at full-price when there was a library near by. Haha. I was able to re-read Deathly Hallows before the final film when I was older though!

    Happy re-read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Vanessa! I was probably the same age when the HP books came out so I first read the series over a long period of time 🙂 I also never owned the HP series (until now!) because it was expensive and I always had a friend to borrow from.
      That’s great that you got a chance to reread the Deathly Hallows! The Goblet of Fire was probably the only HP book that I read twice (until now!) and it is also my favourite 🙂
      Thank you 🙂

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  4. Ten years is a long time, and I guess there must have been a fair bit about the story you’d forgotten in that time as well. 🙂 I need to re-read the Harry Potter series one day soon myself, I actually love re-reading all my old favourites and this year I’m making it a goal of mine to do more re-reading than I have before. Harry Potter is high on my list that’s for sure. 😀
    I’m definitely glad you were able to enjoy this series as much this time around as the last time you read it. It really is one of those classics that never gets old right? 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yeah I’ve forgotten a lot about the story, though some bits and pieces come to me as I re-read so I think I am able to guess the resolution earlier than I usually would.
      Yes HP is absolutely a classic! I love the series so far (I am done the first 2 books now) and I feel that I appreciate some aspects even more now as an adult (such as Dumbledore’s wise quotes haha 🙂 )
      That is a great goal to set for this year! Hope that you will enjoy re-reading HP 🙂

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      1. Yeah I feel like Harry Potter is one of those books where bits and pieces do come back just because it’s such an iconic series you know?
        Ohh, so you’re flying through the books then! 🙂 I definitely need to re-read and see what I think because I feel like I haven’t picked up these books in ages.
        Thanks Sophie! 😀

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      2. Yes definitely 🙂 However I am glad that I have almost no recollection of the ending so I can still enjoy the series as it unfolds!
        Hope that you will enjoy re-reading HP as much as I do 🙂

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      3. I find that I remember much less of the later books than I do the earlier ones. Not sure why but the first couple just sit in my mind more you know? 🙂

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      4. Wow glad that I’m not the only one who feels this way! I remember books 1-4 pretty well but barely remember anything from books 5-7 lol 🙂

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      5. I feel like I must have re-read books 1-4 more than I have books 5-7. Maybe because they were released earlier, who knows? 😀

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      6. Haha that makes sense! As for me it is a mystery lol 🙂

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  5. Congrats on rereading!! 😄 Harry Potter is a series that I can reread over and over and over (x infinity) without getting tired of it. The first book is so cute and I love revisiting it and seeing how much it sets up for the later books!! Are you planning on rereading the rest of the series?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely! I think I would re-read HP a third time or even more 🙂 I finished the first two books so far and you are right that they are so cute and they lay down some of the foundation for the later books. I love that it is fairly light-hearted and that I start to see the chemistry between the characters (like Ron and Hermione who are SO cute). Yes I am definitely going to reread the rest of the series!


  6. Total Harry Potter fan and I’ve just decided that Peeves shall now be my fav character (I think he represents the spirit of Hogwarts, especially considering the extra info Rowling gives us on him in the short “factual” articles on Hogwarts through Pottermore).
    I love to reread so I’ve reread these books often. But I’m trying to take a break from them to give myself some space so that when I visit them again some of the novelty of the story that I experienced on my first and second reads will still be there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Zezee! Yay that’s great to hear that you are a HP fan as well! Peeves is pretty hilarious and I love reading about his pranks. I should take a look at Pottermore 🙂
      Yes it helps to wait some time so that we can forget a bit before re-reading. I think I will definitely come back and re-read HP a third time 🙂


  7. I re-read a lot. I read so fast that I sometimes miss details so enjoy reading them again.
    That said I love new books too. Am currently reading Jodi Taylors Chronicles of St Mary’s series snd they are such fun.
    Love Harry Potter but I also love the way these books got young people into reading.
    Favourite character is Luna. By a mile.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Darren! That’s great to hear that you re-read a lot. I tend to be forgetful about what happens in a book so I usually enjoy re-reading as well 🙂
      I haven’t read Chronicles of St Mary but that is great that you are enjoying the series!
      Yes HP is one of the books that got me interested in reading. I don’t have too much recollection about Luna but I’ll be looking forward to reading about her this time around 🙂


      1. Hi Sophie. I am the same. If I read crime fiction I can never remember who the culprit turns out to be a few months later😄

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      2. Lol 🙂 I’d like to think of it as a blessing since we can enjoy books over and over again.

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      3. Absolutely! But I still kerp buying new ones😉😄

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      4. Lol same here! One of my reading goals is to finish the current books on my shelf before buying more 🙂


  8. Ong I love the book 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to hear 🙂


  9. I’m actually reading this series for the first time and I’m enjoying it so far (even though I’m only partially through the second book lol). I also think it’s great to re-read some of your favorites from time to time. It’s nice to revisit your favorite stories every once in a while. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Alex!
      Wow that is so exciting that you are reading HP for the first time! Glad to hear that you are enjoying the series. Definitely keep going as the plot becomes much more complicated with the later books 🙂
      Yes it is great to revisit an old book or series that we love 🙂 Happy reading!


  10. Great post! I love all the feelings and reminscence!

    My re-reading of HP is weird. I originally started rereading the series several times but only ever got to book 2 or 3. And then I just started reading whichever book I missed the most, rather than rereading in any sort of order. I am planning on doing a buddy reread of the entire series in order this year and I am so incredibly excited!

    I don’t reread often but I have 2 or three standalones and a couple of series that I like to pick up again when I am in an off mood. It’s just comforting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is interesting that you reread the HP books in a different order. I have such a bad memory when it comes to books so that would never work for me 🙂 That’s exciting that you are planning to reread HP again and I hope that you will enjoy it!
      It makes sense to have a few go-to books to reread. I have a feeling that Simon Vs and The Book Thief are on my list 🙂


  11. Mattie @ Living Mattie Avatar
    Mattie @ Living Mattie

    Ooooh, Harry Potter will always be one of my favourites! I love re-reading books – there are some series that I re-read annually. I was wondering, why did you give this book 4/5 stars? (Not attacking, just you didn’t say anything negative in your review)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mattie! Glad to hear from another HP fan 🙂 I very rarely give 5 stars and I reserve these for books that really wowed me or made me see things in a different way. Although I enjoyed this book and I would re-read it again, I think it is not quite there yet, which is why I decided on 4 stars.


  12. As a hardcore potterheads, I also find myself realizing that I read the series only once as they were released xD This year I’m rereading it too and now I’m starting book 4 😀 I agree, it’s so much fun coming across famous quotes and imagining the scene and voices while you are reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Tasya! That’s awesome that you are rereading the HP books again. Book 4 is one of my favourite books in the series so I hope that you enjoy it 🙂 Right now I just started book 3!
      Yes I love coming across my favourite quotes (especially Dumbledore’s wise sayings). Since I watched the first HP movie before reading the books, the characters will always look and sound like the actors in the movie in my head 🙂


  13. Awww this totally reminds me of why this series is so good! This book captures the magic of the world so well through Harry’s eyes. It’s so neat you’re rereading these and takin a crack at reviewing them! I’ll be interested in any negatives you see for later books. ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is such a nostalgia feeling to reread the HP series 🙂 I think it is difficult to review them since they are such a classic haha. I do see some of the negative elements of the books that I didn’t notice the first time around (for example book 3 has very slow pacing). Thank you Dani ❤


  14. […] In this post, I will talk about my feelings about books 2, 3 and 4. Click here to read my thoughts about the Philosopher’s Stone! […]


  15. The Harry Potter series is one of those rare ones where you can read them at any stage of your life, and still get something new out of the books. 😊 I can’t wait to reread the HP series as an adult, too, but for now, I’m in no rush to reread it (yet). The last time I read the HP series was last year, and that was actually my tenth reread, sooo… I’d like to give it maybe a year or two before I pick up those books again. 😂 Anyways, reading this review reminded me how much I love the Harry Potter books! I definitely spent countless nights waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter in elementary school myself 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s amazing that you’ve reread HP 10 times! You are right that it is a series that can be enjoyed as an adult too. I appreciate Dumbledore’s words of wisdom and the themes of family, which are relatable at any age I think 🙂

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  16. […] more about my thoughts of Harry Potter here (for book 1) and here (for books 2 to […]


  17. […] seen reviews from Sophie and The Orangutan Librarian who have been re-reading the Harry Potter books, and they’ve made […]


  18. […] I was never too big of a fan of the original Harry Potter covers (please don’t hate me!!!!!! *shields self from thrown tomatoes*) BUT I really love the 10th anniversary edition which I own a copy of! (Check out my reflections on re-reading HP.) […]


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